A VERY basic tool, behaving like a Tivoli Storage Manager, and can be used to store backups on hard disks.
This is intend as a quick fix, in case of problems with a real TSM. The script pyTSM can be used, to help you out and do some simple backups with your existing client configs and monitoring infrastructure.
- NEW: versioning like in rssnapshot
- NEW: remove mail support (was not used)
- pyTSM parses client configs and does basic handling of "DOMAIN" and "EXCLUDE.DIR" directives
- preserving hardlinks
- optional: write logfiles at the clients (adsmsched.log), to make monitoring tools happy (experimental feature)
- only working for linux clients
- only useful for replacing "dsmc sched" mode in my opinion
- put a public key of the root user from pyTSM server to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the client
- install packet "rsync"
- valid dsmc-config file (dsmc.sys for exmaple)
- create a private+public key pair for the user root
- mount some free filesystems for the backups (for exmple /tape0 and /tape1)
- serve a ssh config for the user root in /root/.ssh/config with the FQDNs of your clients:
Host client1.org
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pytsm
Host client2.org
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pytsm
Host client3.org
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pytsm
- serve a file where you list your clients, the destination of the backup and the path to dsmc-config on the client
client1.org /tape0 /etc/adsm/dsm.sys
client2.org /tape0 /etc/adsm/dsm.sys
client3.org /tape1 /etc/adsm/dsm.sys
The best is, to run it as a cronjob. Don't forget to edit the "SMTP_SERVER" line at the top of the script.
Then you can run:
# pytsm.py -f client.list -m YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS -l -v 4
# pytsm.py -c client1.org -C /etc/adsm/dsm.sys -d /tape0 -m YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS -l -v 4
pyTSM (pythons Trusty Storage Manager)
python3 pytsm.py (-c client -C dsm_conf -d destination_dir | -f client_list_file) [-l | -v versions | -t]
-c --client fqdn
FQDN od IP of a client which should be backuped
-C --dsmconf dsm_conf
Path to dsm.sys on the client
-d --dest destination_dir
Destination directory where the backup should be stored
-f --clientfile client_list_file
A file with the clients and destination_dirs like:
"server1.org /tape2 /etc/adsm/dsm.sys"
-l --log
Write a adsmsched.log on client.
-L --Log path to custom log file
Write logs not to adsmsched.log but to "custom log file".
-v --versions number
Versions to keep (hard-linked)
-t --timestamp
create a file "rsnapshot.timestamp" in every Domain on the backup-client with the
current timestamp. (needed for check with check-bkup-versions.py)