Starter Theme is essentially a theme boilerplate for SSM projects built on top of Sage/Roots (starter theme with a modern development workflow). It is responsible for the presentable layer of a project, builds assets and views, uses Blade templating engine to render front-end and contains the public presentation of SSMPB entities.
- Built on top of Sage/Roots
- Contains presentable layer of the project
- Gets ACF fields data from controllers and uses it to render frontend UI
- Uses Blade templating engine to render views
- Uses Composer to manage dependencies
- Uses Yarn to compile assets, optimize images, concatenation / minification
- Uses SASS as CSS-preprocessor
- Uses Foundation as CSS-framework
- Uses NPM as JS package manager
- Clone both repositories (SST and empty project repository) to /wp-content/themes/
- git clone
- git clone [repository_url]
- Copy all the content from one repository to another (including .gitignore excluding .git/)
- Naming convention: project_codeyear
- cd to project’s folder
- Run composer install
- Run yarn
- Run yarn build
- Activate the theme
- Sync ACF Field Groups
responsible for the basic theme setup
admin.php, filters.php, helpers.php
responsible for the theme configuration
assets.php, theme.php, view.php
contains assets and presentable UI elements
templates/, modules/, assets/