Hackathon 2018
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Follow the instructions in the various links attached to install them properly.
- Python 3 (https://www.python.org/) -- one of the most powerful programming language
- PyTelegrambotAPI (https://github.com/eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI) -- a sleek tool to host a Telegram bot
- Request package (https://pypi.org/project/requests/)
- BeautifulSoup4 (https://pypi.org/project/beautifulsoup4/) -- parsing HTML and XML documents; used for web scraping
- Clone our repository!
If you encountered any problems in the process, please refer to the top of this page under Prerequisites for possible missing dependencies.
- Clone repository and save it in your Desktop (i.e. C:\Users\jem\citihdb)
- If you have your own IDE or programmes to run python script file, you may do so at your own comfort. Or else, open up command prompt (win key > search 'cmd' > enter)
- Point your command prompt to the directory that contains our git repository by typing
C:\Users\jem>cd citihdb
- in cmd, type 'python citibot.py'. A prompt will appear in the command prompt. Once you see "____", your server is up and running.
- Go to Telegram and search for @Citibot. Type /start command and follow the instructions given by our bot.
- Clone repository and save it in your Desktop (i.e. C:\Users\jem\citihdb)
- If you have your own IDE or programmes to run python script file, you may do so at your own comfort. Or else, open up command prompt
(win key > search 'cmd' > enter)
- Point your command prompt to the directory that contains our git repository by typing
C:\Users\jem>cd citihdb
4. Follow the instructions at https://core.telegram.org/bots to learn how to create your own bot.
Once you have gotten your own bot Token (step 4), use your own favorite text editor (in our case, we use [Atom] (https://atom.io/)) and open up
. -
Search for:
bot_token = "500756386:AAFPCzG-QX8Oa_Rd8AnJgBbZuCoGmB8p0Vp"
and replace the string stored in bot_token
to your own bot Token.
See Yi Jie - Web scraping, UI & UX of the Telegram Bot
Ashlyn - Research of HDB Schemes & coding of the eligibility and affordability portion.
Jeremy - UI & UX of Telegram Bot
Hat tip to anyone whose code was used Inspiration etc