using: pyinstaller v. 6.6.0
pyi-makespec --icon=icon.ico --add-data --add-data cert:. --add-data cert:cert --add-data static:static --add-data .streamlit:.streamlit --hidden-import streamlit --collect-all streamlit --copy-metadata streamlit
pyenv virtualenv <version> <env-name>
python -m venv .<env-name>
pyenv activate <env-name>
.\op a #.venv\Scripts\activate.bat
python --version
pyenv deactivate
.\op d #.venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat
#I'm using streamlit==1.8.1 But in the
#Tutorial I explain what could change for us.
#So You could use the latest
pip install streamlit pyinstaller
echo >
echo >
import streamlit as st
if __name__ == '__main__':
st.header("Hello world")
from streamlit.web import cli
#this uri depends based on version of your streamlit
if __name__ == '__main__':
cli._main_run_clExplicit('', 'streamlit run')
#we will CREATE this function inside our streamlit framework
#... def main(log_level="info"):
# [...]
# you can you the name you prefer ofcourse
# as long as you use underscore at the beginning
def _main_run_clExplicit(file, command_line, args=[],flag_options={}):
main._is_running_with_streamlit = True, command_line, args,flag_options)
# ...if __name__ == "__main__":
#... main()
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import copy_metadata
datas = copy_metadata('streamlit')
(if you are using the auto-py-to-exe we can't edit spec files from here we should edit from the interface in the advance options)
pyinstaller --onefile --additional-hooks-dir=./hooks --clean
#the onfile indicate we are create a output file join
# everthing in it's binary
#Some use case you actually need --ondir instead
#the --clean delete cache and remove temporary files before building.
#--additional-hooks-dir An additional path to search for hooks. This option can be used multiple times.
developmentMode = false
port = 8502
xcopy /s /e .streamlit output/.streamlit
#select D = directory
copy output/
a = Analysis(
# this path pair should be in that way
# but I believe it is because we add the tuple as this templete
# (absolut_path, parent_path)
# so for files that is in the root of `Lib/site-packages`
# We can add only the dot as parent
# i.e: (".envir/Lib/site-packages/",".")
# for folders the behaviour is the same
pyinstaller run_app.spec --clean
Huge Thanks To: hmasdevI'm organizing the solution from hmasdev in the Streamlit Forum