RedHat Process Automation Manager (RHPAM) provides the ability to integrate/utilize different technologies with built-in service tasks. It is also possible to implement custom service tasks where out-of-box capabilities do not fulfill the needs. To implement a custom service task one needs to implement org.kie.api.runtime.process.WorkItemHandler
interface of KIE API.
For details, please check official documentation.
This project implements a sample BPM project on RHPAM that uses 3 service tasks:
- REST Service Task: Built-in service task that is used to call a test API of JSONPlaceholder
- Logger Service Task: Custom service task implementation that logs input data as JSON using SLF4J and Jackson ObjectMapper.
- MySQL Service Task: Custom service task that persists/inserts task data based on JSONPlaceholder's ToDo API response schema using MySQL JDBC driver.
The two custom service task types were implemented using KIE Java API which are essentially WorkItemHandler
s. Due to their nature they are customizable and re-usable throughout processes and projects in Business Central. In order to use them you need to import packaged versions (JAR files) and enable them in Business Central (http(s)://HOST:PORT/business-central). The official documentation contains relevant details throughout implementation and deployment journeys.
The handler implementations in this project can be build and deployed to an artifact server (here docker hosted Artifactory) using following maven goals:
mvn clean package deploy
The resultant JAR file in target
folder of project is the packaged version that can be imported to Business Central.
In order to activate custom service tasks (CustomLogTask, MySQLTask) in Business Central you should follow the procedure set (Chapter 1 - Procedures 1->4) in official documentation:
Then you need to activate them via ON/OFF switch right hand side of imported ones:
There also exists a business project which uses custom service tasks mentioned here. For a quick start you can directly import the project into Business Central just using Import Project button with setting the repository URL ( in your designated space:
The procedure set (Chapter 1 - Procedures 6->10) in official documentation need to be applied to activate service tasks for any business process project. For the sample project we need Rest, CustomLogTask, MySQLTask to be installed:
It is also important to note that in deployment settings (MVEL) we need to pass classLoader
parameter to constructor of WorkItemHandler classes of Rest, MySQLTask tasks as KIE classloader needs to be in action to avoid ClassNotFound
exceptions during process execution:
Based on their implementations service tasks need input and output parameters for their own processing.
The sample project needs some process level variables (.bpmn file view -> Properties -> Process Data):
Name | Data Type | Description |
taskId | java.lang.Long | Process variable to store task ID input of JSONPlaceholder's ToDo API |
response | com.corp.todo.Task | Custom model that aligns with ToDo API task data schema |
insertResult | String | SQL statement execution result |
The custom model that aligns with the API data schema can easily be added using visual class editor of Business Central (Project Page -> Add Asset -> Data Object):
The official documentation (a bit out-dated) contains details on REST Service Task. It is also possible to derive information on input/output parameters and processing logic from WIH implementation class
The sample project set following parameters (Click on service task -> Properties (Pen icon right hand side) -> Data Assignments):
Name | Data Type | Source |
AcceptCharset | String | UTF-8 |
AcceptHeader | String | application/json |
ContentType | String | application/json |
ContentTypeCharset | String | UTF-8 |
HandleResponseErrors | String | true |
Method | String | GET |
ResultClass | String | com.corp.todo.Task |
Url | String |{taskId} |
Name | Data Type | Target |
Result | com.corp.todo.Task | response |
One can directly access to any process data variable using #{paramName.fieldName}
The sample project set following parameters (Click on service task -> Properties (Pen icon right hand side) -> Data Assignments):
Task | Name | Data Type | Source |
Completed | dataToLog | Object | #{response.completed} |
Completed | prettyPrint | String | true |
Not Completed | dataToLog | Object | #{response.completed} |
Not Completed | prettyPrint | String | true |
REST | dataToLog | Object | response |
REST | prettyPrint | String | true |
Insert | dataToLog | Object | insertResult |
Insert | prettyPrint | String | true |
The sample project set following parameters (Click on service task -> Properties (Pen icon right hand side) -> Data Assignments):
Name | Data Type | Source |
username | String | MySQL DB Username |
password | String | MySQL DB Password |
url | String | jdbc:mysql://${host}:${port}/{dbName} |
taskToInsert | Object | response |
Name | Data Type | Target |
completed | String | insertResult |
You also need to have a table in MySQL with following schema:
mysql> use pam;
Database changed
mysql> show columns from task;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint | YES | | NULL | |
| user_id | bigint | YES | | NULL | |
| title | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | |
| completed | tinyint(1) | YES | | NULL | |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
The Business Central comes with Swagger Web Interface (default URL: http(s)://${BC_HOST}:${BC_PORT}/kie-server/docs). For details please refer to the official documentation.
After successfully build and deploy the project to KIE server one can use POST endpoint /server/containers/{containerId}/processes/{processId}/instances
under Process Instances group to trigger the process:
KIE Server Status | Swagger UI |
The endpoint requires two parameters:
container id
where the process definition resides -> Deploymentprocess id
that new instance should be created from -> Definition Id
These two parameters can be retrieved via process definition page:
Process List | Process Details |
The body of the post request is the taskId (recall process data that we use in API URL):
The result of the API call is the ID of initiated process:
An Exclusive Gateway (or XOR Gateway) joins alternative paths within a Process flow. The flow continues through only one of the paths that satisfies condition set on it.
The sample project joins two paths on an Exclusive Gateway with following conditions:
Completed | Not Completed |
The sample project has a business process design that persists data of given task ID to designated MySQL DB if it is completed.
The external test API returns following data for task #1:
"userId": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "delectus aut autem",
"completed": false
After execution via Swagger UI the stdout log stream of BC server is as follows (the result of custom log service task executions):
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/ToDo_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/processes/ToDo.evaluation/instances" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -d "{ \"taskId\": 1}"
redhat-pam | 20-09-2020 19:07:14,817 INFO [com.corp.concepts.process.automation.handler.log.LogTaskWorkItemHandler] (default task-34) [CustomLogTask-2] Data:
redhat-pam | {
redhat-pam | "userId" : 1,
redhat-pam | "id" : 1,
redhat-pam | "title" : "delectus aut autem",
redhat-pam | "completed" : false
redhat-pam | }
redhat-pam | 20-09-2020 19:07:14,836 INFO [com.corp.concepts.process.automation.handler.log.LogTaskWorkItemHandler] (default task-34) [CustomLogTask-3] Data:
redhat-pam | "false"
The MySQL DB table contains no data:
mysql> use pam;
Database changed
mysql> select * from task;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
The external test API returns following data for task #44:
"userId": 3,
"id": 44,
"title": "cum debitis quis accusamus doloremque ipsa natus sapiente omnis",
"completed": true
After execution via Swagger UI the stdout log stream of BC server is as follows (the result of custom log service task executions):
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/containers/ToDo_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/processes/ToDo.evaluation/instances" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -d "{ \"taskId\": 44}"
redhat-pam | 20-09-2020 19:26:18,417 INFO [com.corp.concepts.process.automation.handler.log.LogTaskWorkItemHandler] (default task-34) [CustomLogTask-5] Data:
redhat-pam | {
redhat-pam | "userId" : 3,
redhat-pam | "id" : 44,
redhat-pam | "title" : "cum debitis quis accusamus doloremque ipsa natus sapiente omnis",
redhat-pam | "completed" : true
redhat-pam | }
redhat-pam | 20-09-2020 19:26:18,438 INFO [com.corp.concepts.process.automation.handler.log.LogTaskWorkItemHandler] (default task-34) [CustomLogTask-6] Data:
redhat-pam | "true"
redhat-pam | 20-09-2020 19:26:18,786 INFO [com.corp.concepts.process.automation.handler.mysql.MySQLWorkItemHandler] (default task-34) Insert statement: com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@3224a981: insert into task (completed,user_id,title,id) values (1,3,'cum debitis quis accusamus doloremque ipsa natus sapiente omnis',44)
redhat-pam | 20-09-2020 19:26:18,803 INFO [com.corp.concepts.process.automation.handler.log.LogTaskWorkItemHandler] (default task-34) [CustomLogTask-8] Data:
redhat-pam | true
The MySQL DB table contains data of related task:
mysql> use pam;
Database changed
mysql> select * from task;
| id | user_id | title | completed |
| 44 | 3 | cum debitis quis accusamus doloremque ipsa natus sapiente omnis | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The sample project uses Docker images from docker-images repository:
docker-compose -f ./docker-images/redhat/pam/docker-compose.yml mysql pam openldap mavenserver