Moviemakingwithmusic Deployment Procedure of Moviemaker Module:
Python3.6.10 OpenCV4.4.0.42
Python : Moviepy : Opencv :
Pip install moviepy Pip install opencv-python
Function parameters example:
Past_seconds=’2’ in seconds
Future_out_seconds=’10’ in seconds
Music_mp3_root=’/mp3 music file root’
Merged_video_root=’/Merged movie root’
Python3 Moviemak.filmake(input_dir,output_dir,past_seconds,future_out_seconds,Game_server_time_stamp,Music_mp3_root,wave_sequence,Merged_video_root)
Frames convert into Movie based on Timestamp( Past seconds + Future seconds) Movie have ~ 40 frames per seconds
Music merging with movie based on movie length( duration in seconds) So Music segment and automatically merged with movie
First checking (finding) Times stamp, from timestamp (or) EMO model, on the camera image Root. The Timestamp is not there, then to finding the nearest timestamp based on timestamp. Past seconds: Collect the Past frames from the camera Root. Future seconds: Collect the frames based on Future seconds from the camera root.
This module able to make a video with sufficient frames.
Example: past seconds =’3sec’, future seconds= ‘4’ 1 second=30 frames Needed frames=210 frames In folder frames= 120 frames Reference & Nearest timestamp on approximately = 100th frame Past =90 frames Future=120 frames But we have sufficient future frames 20 Video length = ~3.5 seconds