A Go Mysql Server Pool with Bind Parameter using Hash table Mechanism.
- Connection Pool
- Auto Close of Connections
- Bind Parameters to prevent Mysql Injection
- Error Log to Increse performabe of Apllication
go get github.com/senthilnasa/gomysql
package main
import (
func main() {
// Error Log Config
errorConfig := gomysql.ErrorLogConfig{ErrorApiurl: "Error Log Api", ErrorFromFeild: "Feild to Send Error Log", IsPostRequest: true}
// Example
// errorConfig := gomysql.ErrorLogConfig{ErrorApiurl: "", IsPostRequest: true, ErrorFromFeild: "errData"}
// Mysql Connection Config
config := gomysql.MySQLConfig{Host: "Host Name", Port: Port Number, User: "User Name", Pass: "Db Password", DbName: "DB Name Optinal Fild", Sizeofpool:Number Connection To be Oppened
, ErrorLog: errorConfig}
// Example
// connectionConfig := gomysql.MySQLConfig{Host: "localhost", Port: 3306, User: "root", Pass: "nasa", DbName: "mysql", Sizeofpool: 100, ErrorLog: errorConfig}
pool, err := gomysql.NewMySQLConnectionPool(config)
if err != nil {
defer pool.CloseAll()
poolSize := 100
pool, err := gomysql.NewMySQLConnectionPool(poolSize, config)
if err != nil {
defer pool.CloseAll()
connection := pool.Get()
// Select Query
data, err := connection.Read("SELECT * FROM student")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error =>" + err.Error())
} else {
for _, v := range data {
// Select Query as String
data1, err := connection.Sread("SELECT * FROM student")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error =>", err.Error())
} else {
for _, v := range data1 {
// Insert Query
isInserted, err := connection.Insert("insert into student(name,dob) values(?,?)", "senthil", "10-06-2021")
if isInserted {
fmt.Println("Student added successfully! ")
} else {
fmt.Println("Error in adding Student", err.Error())
// Insert and Get Auto Incremented Id
StudentID, err := connection.InsertAndGetAutoGenId("insert into student(name,dob) values(?,?)", "senthil Nasa", "10-06-2020")
if StudentID > 0 {
fmt.Println("Student added successfully! \n Student Id=>", StudentID)
} else {
fmt.Println("Error in adding Student" + err.Error())
// Update Student
isUpdated, err := connection.Update("UPDATE student SET name=? WHERE student_id=?", "New Name", StudentID)
if isUpdated {
fmt.Println("Student Updated successfully! ")
} else {
fmt.Println("Error in Updating Student", err.Error())
// Delete Student
isDeleted, err := connection.Delete("DELETE FROM student WHERE student_id=? ", StudentID)
if isDeleted {
fmt.Println("Student Deleted successfully! ")
} else {
fmt.Println("Error in Deleting Student", err.Error())