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Version 1.0
The purpose of this repository is to provide tools to setup lightweight
and easy-to-configure
proxy/tunneling service. This can help masking your identity on the internet and avoid internet cencorship.
Mooshak 🚀 (Farsi for Rocket/Shuttle) provides easy to setup dockerized SSH server, as well as support for websocket tunneling to turn SSH TCP connection look like legitimate HTTP(S) TCP connection.
Mooshak project also provides information (and source codes) for clients to be used for these connections.
Full documentation is available under https://sepgh.github.io/mooshak/
- SSH Server
- WS Tunnel
- Windows client
- Server setup documentation
- UDP Support (only on linux for now)
- Linux client
- MacOs client (check linux)
- Restricted shell for ssh clients
- Android clients
- Limit python access on the server for