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Alternative way to use PHP template engines instead of the MODX template engine.

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Repository files navigation

(Documentation in the process of creation).

ZoomX offers an alternative way to handling a request and preparing a response. The main goal is not to use elements from the database (as far as it's possible) and use your favorite IDE and versioning support for convinient development. The modRequest class has been refactored and optimized. In addition, a routing mechanism is built in. FastRoute is used for this. Usual DB templates will be used only if the "zoomx_use_zoomx_parser_as_default" system setting is true. Otherwise, they will be ignored and will only be used to bind TVs to resources. When preparing a response, the standard parser is not used (in the strict router mode). PHP template engines are used instead. Smarty template engine comes out of the box. Because it's installed along with MODX.


It's required PHP >= 7.1.

How to use

Install this package over the Package Manager. Switch On the system setting "friendly_urls". After that open core/config/routes.php and uncomment the required routes or define your own. Initially, templates are located in the folder core /components/zoomx/templates/default/. But it can be redefined. Two system settings are responsible for this - zoomx_template_dir (by default, core/components/zoomx/templates/) and zoomx_theme (by default, default). I advise to move the template folder to core/templates/. Otherwise, all changes will be lost on next updates.

There are 3 templates out of the box - "base.tpl", "index.tpl" and "error.tpl". Create your own templates and chunks (partials or subtemplates) using them as template.

Error templates

By default, the error.tpl template is used for all errors. If you need your own template for a specific error, create a template with a name in the form of an error code. For example, the template for error 404 should be called '404.tpl'.


Creating routes

Next, you need to associate the created templates with resources. To do this, open the file core/config/routes.php and add a route for the corresponding URI.

$router->get('hello.html', function() {
    return new ZoomView('hello.tpl', ['name' => 'John']);
$router->get('users/{id}', function($id) use($modx) {
    $user = $modx->getObject('modUser', ['id' => (int)$id]);
    return viewx('profile.tpl', $user ? $user->toArray() : []);

Read more about routes in the documentation for FastRoute.

You can return a string.

$router->get('hello.html', function() {
    return '<h1>Hello, John!</h1>';

Example of redirecting

// Using the modX::sendRedirect method.
$router->get('product1.html', function() use($modx) {
// Using the resource identifier.
$router->get('resource.html', function() use($modx) {
    // Specify resource id
    $modx->resourceIdentifier = 2;  
    // Or resource URI
    $modx->resourceIdentifier = 'another.html';
    return viewx('page.tpl');
// Using short redirect format $router->redirect($fromUri, $toUri, $statusCode);
 $router->redirect('resource{id}.html', 'resource{$id}', 301);  // redirects from 'article1.html' to 'article1'


You can use controllers instead of functions. Routes that used controllers can be cached. This has a positive effect on productivity. The system setting zoomx_cache_routes is responsible for caching routes.

$router->get('users', ['Zoomx\Controllers\UserController', 'index']);
// The index method can be omitted
$router->get('users', Zoomx\Controllers\UserController::class);

For brevity, controllers can be specified without a namespace. The namespace specified in the system setting zoomx_contoller_namespace will be added automatically.

$router->get('users/{id}', ['UserController', 'show']); // Zoomx\Controllers\UserController::show() will be called. 

If you specify a slash before the controller name, the namespace will not be added.

$router->get('users/{id}', ['\UserController', 'show']); // UserController::show() will be called. 
$router->get('users/{id}', ['\Custom\Namespace\UserController', 'show']); // Custom\Namespace\UserController::show() will be called. 

Controllers must extend the base controller Zoomx\Controllers\Controller.


namespace Zoomx\Controllers;

class UserController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return viewx('users.tpl');

Routing mode

The router can work in 3 modes:

  • Disabled. All specified routes are ignored. MODX will work as usual.
  • Soft (mixed). If no route is found for the request URI, MODX will continue processing the request as usual. If the route was found and the resource was not found, the 404 error will be fired as in Strict mode.
  • Strict (exclusive). If no route is found for the request URI, 404 error will occur and processing of the request will be stopped.

Virtual pages

By default, MODX searches for a resource for the URI specified in the route. But if you want to define the resource yourself, for example for RESTful mode, then disable the resource autoloading in the zoomx_autoload_resource system setting. If you need to disable the resource autoloading only in a particular route, you can change the setting directly in the route.

$router->get('users/{id}/profile',  function ($id) use ($modx) {
    zoomx()->autoloadResource(false);  // === $modx->setOption('zoomx_autoload_resource', false); 
    $user = $modx->getObject('modUser', ['id' => (int)$id])
    if (!user) {
        abortx(404, 'User not found');
    return viewx('profile.tpl', ['user' => $user]);

Working in API mode

Now you don't need to create a particular controller for API requests. Just define a corresponding route. From the frontend you have to pass the header "Accept" with "application/json" value in the request. In this case, MODX will not search for the resource by URI and will return only the specified data.

Return an array and you get back a json encoding response.

// Return an array
$router->get('api/foo', function() {
    return ['foo' => 'bar']);
// Or a JSON Response with custom headers.
$router->get('api', function() {
    return jsonx(['foo' => 'bar'], ['Foo' => 'Bar']);

The response will be converted to json format

  success: true,
  data: {
      foo: "bar"
  meta: {
  	total_time: "0.0230 s",
  	query_time: "0.0000 s",
  	php_time: "0.0230 s",
  	queries: 1,
  	memory: "2 048 kb"

Meta information can be switched off by the system setting zoomx_include_request_info.

Get a resource either from the cache or from the database

$router->get('api/resource/{id}', function($id) {
    $resource = zoomx()->getResource[(int)$id]);
    return jsonx($resource->toArray());

To return a failure response use the abortx function with corresponding HTTP code

$router->get('profile', function() use($modx) {
    if (!$modx->user->isAuthenticated()) {
        abortx(401, 'You must log in.');
return jsonx($modx->user->Profile->toArray());

Smarty template engine

Smarty is a fast and powerful template engine and it comes out of the box. Besides, it has many predefined plugins (built-in functions, custom functions, [built-in modifiers]( You can find all the default modifiers in the Smarty documentation. ZoomX adds its own plugins.

Using Smarty

By default, Smarty works only when a route for the specified URI is found. In other cases, the parser specified in the parser_class setting works. Using the system setting zoomx_use_zoomx_parser_as_default, you can specify that Smarty is always used as the default template engine. But only the template content will be parsed. The content of the resource will not be processed. Here is an expample of a MODX Template:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="{'cultureKey'|config}">
    {block "title"}<title>{'pagetitle'|resource} - {'site_name'|config}</title>{/block}
    <base href="{'site_url'|config}" />
    <meta charset="{'modx_charset'|config}" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
    {block "styles"}{/block}
    <div class="container">
    {block "content"}
        {'content'|resource}  // to parse the resource content - {'content'|resource|parse}
    {block "scripts"}{/block}

Standard MODX syntax is available via the special block parse:


Templates can be extended. To do this, create a basic template in the templates folder specified in the corresponding system setting. And in the MODX template, specify this basic template.

{extends "base.tpl"}

{block "content"}


To cache an entire page, you need to enable the zoomx_caching system setting. It is disabled by default. You can control the caching of individual tags in the same way as it is done in MODX using the sign !, but in a slightly different way - using a special nocache attribute or a block of the same name.

<!-- Attribute -->
{'username'|user nocache}
<!-- Block --> 
{include 'navigation.tpl'}
{include 'header'}  // extension (.tpl) can be omitted (specified in the "zoomx_template_extension" system setting)

ZoomX modifiers

  • chunk - get a MODX chunks.
    - array of parameters.
// Cached chunk
{'chunkName'|chunk:['foo' => 'bar']}
// Noncached snippet (Smarty syntax)
{'chunkName'|chunk:['foo' => 'bar'] nocache}
  • config - get a system setting.
  • css,
  • csstohead - register CSS to be injected inside the HEAD tag of a resource.
    - media;
// Equivalent to
  • dateAgo - display the date as "5 minutes ago", "7 hours ago", "2 days ago". If the date is later than a week, it is displayed according to the specified format. Arguments:
    - format - date format. By-default "d F Y, H:i";
  • declension - declension of words for the specified number. Arguments:
    - words - array of options; - include - include the number.
{10|declension:['apple', 'apples']}  // apples  
{10|declension:['apple', 'apples']:true}  // 10 apples  
  • fuzzyDate - display fuzzy date (yesterday at 11:15, today at 06:00, tomorrow at 15:30). If the date is later than a week, it is displayed according to the specified format. Arguments:
    - format - date format. By-default "d F Y, H:i";
  • html,
  • htmltobottom - register a html block to the end of the page.
{'HTML content'|htmltobottom}
  • htmltohead - register a html block to the head section of the page.
{'HTML content'|htmltohead}
  • js,
  • jstobottom - register js to the end of the page. Arguments:
    - plaintext - true/false.
// Equivalent to
{'<script>let foo = "bar";</script>'|js:true}
  • jstohead - register js to the head of the page. Arguments:
    - plaintext - true/false.
{'<script>let foo = "bar";</script>'|jstohead:true}
  • ignore - output an unparsed tag.
{'content'|resource|ignore}  // output: {'content'|resource}
// the same as 
  • ismember - states whether the current user is a member of a group or groups.
{if 'Users'|ismember}
  <p>Hello, member!</p>
  <p>No content</p>
  • lexicon - output a lexicon entry for a given key.
    - array of parameters;
    - language or Namespace-specific options to load the desired topic (see documentation.
// with parameters
{'lang'|lexicon:['foo' => 'bar']}
// To load a specific topic
  • markdown - parse content with markdown syntax.
  • modx - parse content with the MODX parser.
{'[[*pagetitle]] - [[++site_name]]'|modx}
  • parse - can be used for resource fields or TVs containing tags.
    - parser class. By default, '' that means to use default ZoomX parser.
// Use a ZoomX parser
// Use a MODX parser
{'[[*pagetitle]] - [[++site_name]]'|parse:'modParser'}
  • ph - get a MODX placeholder.
  • print - outputs an escaped and formatted string.
    - format (bool) - wrap the output with
    - escape - (bool) - use htmlspecialchars function.
// print a raw string
  • resource - get a specified field value of the current resource.
// with default value from another resource field
// with default value as a simple string
{'longtitle'|resource|default:'default value'}
// tv value
  • snippet - run a specified MODX snippet.
    - array of parameters.
// Cached snippet
{'snippetName'|snippet:['foo' => 'bar']}
// Noncached snippet (Smarty syntax)
{'snippetName'|snippet:['foo' => 'bar'] nocache}
// Noncached snippet with a propertySet
{'snippetName@PropSet'|snippet:['foo' => 'bar'] nocache}
  • tv - get a TV of the current resource.
  • url - generate a URL representing a specified resource.
    - context. Can be a string or an array of ;
    - url arguments;
    - scheme;
    - options.
{5|url:'web':['foo' => 'bar']:-1}
// Use arguments in array
{5|url:['scheme' => 'abs']}
  • user - get a user object field.

ZoomX blocks

Caution! If caching is enabled do not forget to add the nocache attribute for the block.

  • auth - returns a block content only for authenticated users.
{auth nocache}
content only for authenticated users.
  • guest - returns a block content only for guest.
{guest nocache}
content only for guests.
  • modx - can be used to parse content with MODX tags by a parser specified in the "parser_class" system setting. Arguments:
    - parser -parser class.
{modx nocache}
<a href="[[~[[*id]]]]">[[*pagetitle]]</a>
  • parse - can be used to parse content with Smarty tags. Arguments:
    - parser - parser class. By default, ZoomSmarty.
// Using a MODX parser parser by default.
{$modx->resource->tv} // TV contains Smarty tags. 

ZoomX functions

  • run - runs a MODX snippet or a file snippet.
<!-- MODX snippet -->
{run snippet='usual_snippet' params=['foo' => 'bar']}
<!-- File snippet -->
{run file='file_snippet' params=['foo' => 'bar']}

File elements

File chunks

Files from the template directory will be used.

<!-- Smarty syntax -->
{include 'article.tpl'}
<!-- using the @FILE binding -->
{'@FILE article.tpl'|chunk}

File snippets

Before using, define a directory for storing file snippet (in the "zoomx_file_snippets_path" system setting) and create it if it doesn't exist.

<!-- Smarty syntax -->
{run file='some_file_snippet' params=['foo' => 'bar', 'tpl' => '@INLINE <span>{$param}</span>']}
<!-- using the @FILE binding -->
{'@FILE some_file_snippet'|snippet:['foo' => 'bar', 'tpl' => '@FILE file_chunk.tpl']}
<!-- using $zoomx object -->
{$zoomx->runFileSnippet('some_file_snippet', ['foo' => 'bar', 'tpl' => 'modx_chunk'])}

For convenience, you can specify several paths for snippet files. Use a plugin on the OnZoomxInit event or a bootstrap file (see the file plugins) to do this.


File plugins

File plugin is a class.

//  core/elements/plugins/MyPlugin.php
class MyPlugin extends \Zoomx\Elements\Plugin
    // Add events to invoke and specify their priority.
    public static $events = [
        'OnMODXInit' => -101,
        'OnHandleRequest' => 0,
    public $disabled = false;

    public function OnMODXInit($scriptProperties = [])
        // ...
    public function OnHandleRequest()
        // ...

To use file plugins, you need to create file core/config/elements.php in which you need to load the required plugin classes.

/** @var Zoomx\Support\ElementService $elementService */

include MODX_CORE_PATH . 'elements/plugins/MyPlugin.php'; 

$plugins = [


# Add another file snippet path
# Add another Smarty template path

MODX components can also use file elements. To do this, you need to create the file core/components/extra_name/elements.php and define all the necessary data in it. This file will be loaded on ZoomX initialization.

Service class

You can get an object of the service class calling the zoomx function. It contains a number of useful methods.

  • shouldBeJson - determines if the given content should be turned into JSON.
  • isAjax - checks for the presence of the HTTP header HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH.
  • autoloadResource - resource auto-loading switch. Pass true or false as an argument. Can be used for virtual pages.
  • getResource - gets a requested resource and all required data. Pass resource alias or id as an argument.
  • config - replacement for the modX::getOption() method.
  • getChunk - replacement for the modX::getChunk() method. It allows you to use the @FILE and @INLINE bindings in the name of the chunk.
  • runSnippet - replacement for the modX::runSnippet() method.
  • runFileSnippet - executes a file like a snippet.

The object of the service class can be used as a container.

zoomx()->set('var', $value);
// alternative way
zoomx(['var' => $value]);
$var = zoomx('var');


  • abortx() - throws an HttpException with the given data.
    - (int) code - HTTP code. - (string) message - error message. - (string) title - page title. - (array) headers - headers.
$router->get('items/{$id}', function($id) use($modx) {
    $item = $modx->getObject('itemClass', ['id' => (int)$id]);
    if ($item === null) {
        abortx(404, 'Item not found!');
    return jsonx($item->toArray(), ['X-Some-Header' => 'Some value']);

The following codes are available out of the box -

  • 400 - Bad request.
  • 401 - Unauthorized.
  • 403 - Forbidden.
  • 404 - Not found.
  • 406 - Not Acceptable.
  • 415 - Unsupported media type.
  • 500 - Internal Server Error.
  • 503 - Service Unavailable.

For codes 400, 406, 415, 500 and 503 the OnRequestError event is added. This event also will be fired for custom exceptions.

You can create your own codes. To do this you have to specify the config of the custom exceptions in the file core/config/exceptions.php.

  • redirectx() - returns a redirect response. Can be used insteadof $modx->sendRedirect($url);
    - (string) url - new URL to redirect. - (int) status - HTTP code. Available values - 201, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308. By default, 302. - (array) headers - headers.
$router->get('some-url', function() {
    return redirectx('new-url', 301);
  • jsonx() - returns a JSON response.
    - (array) data - array to return to the user. - (array) headers - headers. - (int) statusCode - HTTP status code. By-default 200.
$router->get('items/{id}', function($id) {
    if (!$item = zoomx('modx')->getObject('Item', ['id' => (int)$id])) {
        abortx(404, 'Item not found!');
    return jsonx($item->toArray(), ['X-Some-Header' => 'Some value']);
  • parserx() - returns an object of the specified parser.
parserx();  // === zoomx('parser') === zoomx()->getParser();
  • viewx() - get a view object for the given template.
    - (string) tpl - template name. - (array) data - template variables.
$router->get('articles/{alias}', function($alias) {
    return viewx('article.tpl', ['foo' => 'bar']);
  • zoomx() - returns an instance of the ZoomX service class.
    - (string) property - property name. Available properties - modx, parser, request, response, elementService, router, cacheManager.
$request = zoomx('request');
$modx = zoomx('modx'); 
// get an usual MODX chunk. 
$content = zoomx()->getChunk('modx.chunk', $params);
// run a usual MODX snippet.
zoomx()->runSnippet('modx.snippet', $params);
  • filex() - returns a specified file. Can be used for managing of the files.
    - (string) path - absolute path to file. - (bool) isAttachment - to return as an attachment. - (bool) deleteFileAfterSend - to delete after response.
$router->get('files/{file}',  function ($file) use ($modx) {
    // Check permission
    if (!$modx->user->isMember('Subscribers)) {
        abortx(403, 'Only members of the "Subscribers" group can download files.');
    zoomx()->autoloadResource(false);  // Don't search the resources with the specified URI.
    // Don't forget to sanitize the file name $file 
    return filex(MODX_CORE_PATH . "path/to/subscribers/files/$file", true);
$router->get('file.pdf',  function () {
    // Download with new name.
    return filex(MODX_CORE_PATH . "path/to/file.pdf", true)->downloadAs('newFileName.pdf');


  • OnZoomxInit - fires after Zoomx initialization. Can be used to initialize required objects (for example Smarty plugins).
  • OnBeforeRouteProcess - fires before processing the found route. Properties:
    - (string) $uri - current uri. - (Zoomx\Routing\Router) $router - router object that contains route variables and route parameters.
  • OnRequestError - fires when you call the abortx function or a php error is triggered. Can be used to control site errors (sending a notification to the administrator). Properties:
    - (string) $error_type - type of the error or exception object. - (string) $error_code - error code. - (string) $error_pagetitle - string for displaying on the page. - (string) $error_message - detail error description. - (Exception|Error) $e - error object.

System settings

Main area

  • zoomx_autodetect_content_type - enables automatic detection of the Content-Type in the disabled resource autoloading mode.
  • zoomx_autoload_resource - disables searching and auto-loading the resource. This allows to use fully virtual pages.
  • zoomx_caching - to cache template files. By default, false. In development mode it's better to disable it.
  • zoomx_cache_event_map - to cache the event map of file plugins for optimization purposes. In developer mode it is better to disable.
  • zoomx_config_path - the path to the configuration files of routes, exceptions and file elements. By default, "{core_path}config/".
  • zoomx_enable_pdotools_adapter - replaces the Fenom template engine with the ZoomX one for parsing chunks in the pdoTools snippets.
  • zoomx_enable_exception_handler - enable its own exception handler for strict routing mode.
  • zoomx_http_method_override - allows to specify the HTTP methods "PATCH", "PUT" and "DELETE" (not supported in HTML forms) by setting a form input element named as "_method" (<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT">).
  • zoomx_include_modx - include $modx and $zoomx objects into templates. By default, true.
  • zoomx_include_request_info - adds information about the request to the response in API mode.
  • zoomx_parser_class - parser class. It should implement the Zoomx\ParserInterface interface. By default, ZoomSmarty.
  • zoomx_show_error_details - show full error information in the error page.
  • zoomx_file_snippets_path - absolute path to file snippets. You can specify multiple paths by separating them with ";". By default, {core_path}elements/snippets/.
  • zoomx_template_dir - full path to template files. By default, {core_path}components/zoomx/templates/.
  • zoomx_theme - site theme. it's a folder name in the template directory. It allows you to manage site themes. By default, default.
  • zoomx_use_zoomx_parser_as_default - use the specified template engine (Smarty by-default) instead of the MODX parser.

Routing area

  • zoomx_cache_routes - enables route caching. Caution! Turn it on only if controllers are used in routes. By default, false.
  • zoomx_controller_namespace - allows to specify controller names without a namespace. The specified namespace will be added automatically.
  • zoomx_routing_mode - routing mode. 0 - disabled (routes are ignored); 1 - mixed (if no route is found, MODX will continue the search); 2 - strict (if no route is found, error 404 will occur). By default, 1.

Smarty area

  • zoomx_default_tpl - it's used to output errors for which the custom template is not defined. By default, error.tpl.
  • zoomx_modx_tag_syntax - allows to use MODX style tags - {'*pagetitle'}, {'++site_name'}, {'~5'} and {'%lexicon'}. A negative impact on performance.
  • zoomx_smarty_cache_dir - path to cached template files relative to core/cache/. By default, zoomx/smarty/cache/.
  • zoomx_smarty_compile_dir - path to compiled template files relative to core/cache/. By default, zoomx/smarty/compile/.
  • zoomx_smarty_config_dir - full path to config files. By default, {core_path}config/.
  • zoomx_smarty_custom_plugin_dir - full path to custom Smarty plugins. By default, {core_path}components/zoomx/smarty/custom_plugins/.
  • zoomx_smarty_security_enable - enables the mode for managing Smarty security, which is defined in the security class.
  • zoomx_smarty_security_class - the class in which the security settings are defined.
  • zoomx_template_extension - template file extension. It's used for convenience and for security reasons. By default, "tpl".

System settings for extending classes

You can override these settings to replace the base classes with custom ones.

Setting name Default
zoomx_alias_request_handler_class Zoomx\AliasRequestHandler
zoomx_cache_manager_class Zoomx\Cache\CacheManager
zoomx_content_type_detector_class Zoomx\ContentTypeDetector
zoomx_element_service_class Zoomx\Support\ElementService
zoomx_exception_handler_class Zoomx\ExceptionHandler
zoomx_file_response_class Zoomx\FileResponse
zoomx_id_request_handler_class Zoomx\IdRequestHandler
zoomx_json_request_class Zoomx\Json\Request
zoomx_json_response_class Zoomx\Json\Response
zoomx_parser_class ZoomSmarty
zoomx_redirect_response_class Zoomx\RedirectResponse
zoomx_response_class ZoomResponse
zoomx_request_class ZoomRequest
zoomx_router_class Zoomx\Routing\Router
zoomx_view_class Zoomx\View


Alternative way to use PHP template engines instead of the MODX template engine.






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