Native implementation of Bottom sheet
"react-native-sheet": "1.2.1"
import {
} from 'react-native-sheet';
import { ScrollView, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
const RenderSheetComponent: React.FC = () => {
// context available in bottom sheet
// these are methods available: hide, passScrollViewReactTag
// method hide accepts parameters which will be passed to onDimiss callback from bottomSheet
const sheetContext = useFittedSheetContext()
return (
// used for find scrollView in Native Code
const App: React.FC = () => {
const sheetRef = useRef<FittedSheet>(null);
useEffect(() => {
// if scrollView creates dynamically in bottom sheet (for example after loading)
// you have to pass nativeID of scroll view by calling passScrollViewReactTag
}, [])
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
// show also accept params which will be passed to render function
<Text>Show sheet</Text>
onSheetDismiss={(paramsPassedToHideMethod) => {
// called when sheet completely hided
// top left right corner sheet view radius
topLeftRightCornerRadius: 20,
// background color of sheet view
backgroundColor: 'purple',
// max allowed height of sheet view
maxHeight: 600,
// min height of sheet view
minHeight: 600,
// max allowed width in portrait view
maxPortraitWidth: 300
// max allowed width in landscape view
maxLandscapeWidth: 300,
// should status bar on android be either dark of light
isSystemUILight: false
// data which was passed to .show() method
{(data) => {
return (
// if you do not need data you can omit render function and pass just component
More detailed examples may be found in example
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