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Spryker Code Sniffer

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This sniffer package follows PSR-2 completely and ships with a lot of additional fixers on top (incl. PSR-12). Please see the Spryker Coding conventions for details.

List of included sniffs.



How to use in Spryker projects

Make sure you include the sniffer as require-dev dependency:

composer require --dev spryker/code-sniffer

The Development module provides a convenience command:

console code:sniff:style

(or console c:s:s as shortcut)

To automatically fix fixable errors, use

console code:sniff:style -f

-v is useful for more info output. To run only a specific sniff, use the -s option. See -h for help.

You can also sniff a specific project level module or path:

console code:sniff:style [-m ModuleName] [optional-sub-path] -v

How to use in any project

You can also manually invoke the phpcs/phpcbf commands:

vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml ./
vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml ./

The command phpcs just sniffs, phpcbf fixes.

You probably want to ignore some folders, e.g. --ignore=vendor/ or some of your test fixture folders.


You can always switch the standard to the stricter one named SprykerStrict. It is an extension of the Spryker standard with its own (strict) sniffs added on top.

How to include in your IDE

E.g. for PHPStorm:

  • Open Settings -> Tools -> External Tools
  • Add a new tool named "cs-sniffer" and set Program to $ProjectFileDir$/vendor/bin/phpcs, Parameters to --standard=$ProjectFileDir$/vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml -p $FilePath$ and Working directory to $ProjectFileDir$.
  • Add a new tool named "cs-fixer" and set Program to $ProjectFileDir$/vendor/bin/phpcbf, Parameters to --standard=$ProjectFileDir$/vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml -v $FilePath$ and Working directory to $ProjectFileDir$.
  • Remove the "Open console" if you don't want to see any output here for the fixer.
  • Now set up your hotkeys under Settings -> Keymap (search for cs-sniffer and cs-fixer). E.g. Control + Comma for sniffing, and Control + Dot for fixing.

You can also set up file watchers, but here you should better only whitelist certain sniffs that only add things and don't remove anything.

How to configure the default rule set

In order to simplify command line interface, phpcs allows to specify default rule set in and standards path the following way.

Assuming the following directory structure:

vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/                          # Base directory
                           |_ Spryker/                # Rule set name
                                      |_ ruleset.xml  # Rule set

The base directory and rule set can be used in configuration now.

vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/
vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard Spryker

You might need to specify full directory path. Now the tools can be used without --standard switch.

Using own project standard

You can exchange or extend the Spryker coding standard by providing your own ruleset.xml. This can be configured in the Development module config:

// DevelopmentConfig.php

     * Either a relative or full path to the ruleset.xml or a name of an installed
     * standard (see `phpcs -i` for a list of available ones).
     * @return string
    public function getCodingStandard()
        return '/path/to/your/ruleset.xml';

If you use it for custom projects, just use --standard to point to your ruleset file.

Make sure that you include the Spryker core standard ruleset in your custom one, e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="SprykerProject">
        Spryker Coding Standard for Project.
        Extends main Spryker Coding Standard.
        All sniffs in ./Sniffs/ will be auto loaded

    <rule ref="vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml"/>


    <!-- Define your own sniffs here -->

If you want to use the SprykerStrict standard in your project, you should replace the string:

<rule ref="vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml"/>

with this one:

<rule ref="vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/SprykerStrict/ruleset.xml"/>

Custom licensing

You can provide a custom license via .license file in your repository root. It must be a PHP doc block (valid PHP) including a trailing new line. You can also leave the file empty to have "no license doc block".

For MIT repositories we recommend (having a LICENSE file provided in your root, as well):

 * MIT License
 * Use of this software requires acceptance of the Evaluation License Agreement. See LICENSE file.

The 2nd sentence can be customized to your needs.

Integrating into CI testing and PRs

The following is an example for CircleCI but will also be compatible with any other CI system:

    - vendor/bin/console application:integration-check
    - vendor/bin/console code:sniff:style
    - vendor/bin/console code:sniff:architecture

You basically just add - vendor/bin/console code:sniff:style the the list.

Please see the Spryker Suite project repository for details. It is used there.

Migration tips

When migrating code sniffer for larger repositories with many developers working on it, there are a few guidelines for flawless migrations:

  • Make always deliberate and scheduled code sniffer updates (lock down the sniffer to patch releases using ~ or even a specific version if needed).
  • Don't update code sniffer in any feature/bugfix branch, never run updated sniff rules on all branches.
  • Run updated sniffer ruleset on a branched master (e.g. master-cs) first and here update the lock file for it using composer require/update.
  • Once this one is merged, then apply those into the feature and bugfix branches using git merge origin/master and apply then the new coding standard on the newly written code on top.
  • This way all project branches only fail on CS after this delibare update, and never by accident.

Silencing core rules or parts

Note that you are never forced to adapt the whole standard changes at once (even though recommended). You can, for migration purposes, also exclude/silence certain sniffs on project level, if that helps. At the same time, you can also further stricten them or add additional ones and let us know about them (and their usefuleness) via issue.

See CS sniffer docs for details, but in general using severity of 0 can silence a rule or a subset of it:

<!-- full silence: x.y.z -->
<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.ControlStructures.ControlStructureSpacing">

<!-- partial silence: x.y.z.code -->
<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.ReferenceUsedNamesOnly.ReferenceViaFullyQualifiedName">

Excluding certain sniffs

You can also completely exclude certain sniffs, e.g. if you are on a PHP 8+ project and want to use all the new language features:

<rule ref="vendor/spryker/code-sniffer/Spryker/ruleset.xml">
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.DisallowNamedArguments"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.DisallowTrailingCommaInDeclaration"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.DisallowConstructorPropertyPromotion"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.ControlStructures.DisallowNullSafeObjectOperator"/>

They ship with the core by default to avoid PHP8-creep into PHP7.4+ code.

Configure custom namespaces

Certain sniffs rely on a list of namespaces, which defaults to Pyz,SprykerEco,SprykerMiddleware,SprykerSdk,Spryker, but can be customized like so:

    <rule ref="Spryker.MethodAnnotation.ConfigMethodAnnotation">
            <property name="namespaces" value="MyCustomPyz,SprykerEco,Spryker" />
    <rule ref="Spryker.MethodAnnotation.EntityManagerMethodAnnotation">
            <property name="namespaces" value="MyCustomPyz,SprykerEco,Spryker" />
    <rule ref="Spryker.MethodAnnotation.FacadeMethodAnnotation">
            <property name="namespaces" value="MyCustomPyz,SprykerEco,Spryker" />
    <rule ref="Spryker.MethodAnnotation.FactoryMethodAnnotation">
            <property name="namespaces" value="MyCustomPyz,SprykerEco,Spryker" />
    <rule ref="Spryker.MethodAnnotation.QueryContainerMethodAnnotation">
            <property name="namespaces" value="MyCustomPyz,SprykerEco,Spryker" />
    <rule ref="Spryker.MethodAnnotation.RepositoryMethodAnnotation">
            <property name="namespaces" value="MyCustomPyz,SprykerEco,Spryker" />

Customize PHP version safety

If you want to enable Spryker.Internal.SprykerDisallowFunctions for your project level, set this into your phpcs.xml file:

    <rule ref="Spryker.Internal.SprykerDisallowFunctions">
            <property name="phpVersion" value="7.4"/>

Set the current PHP version you are using which will disallow methods of the next minors and majors. If you already require certain polyfills, you can raise this version or completely disable it (even the core check) by using 'off' value.

Enabling strict_types

Projects can - at their own discretion - enable strict mode for PHP files:

    <rule ref="Spryker.PHP.DeclareStrictTypesAfterFileDoc">
            <property name="strictTypesMandatory" value="true"/>

Please note: This can have side effects as type casting is now not happening anymore in some cases.

Excluding test related comparison files

If you want to exclude certain generated (e.g. PHP) files, make sure those are in a test_files subfolder to be auto-skipped. You can otherwise always create a custom and rather unique folder name and manually exclude it in your PHPCS settings.

Writing new sniffs

Add them to the corresponding category inside Sniffs folder and add tests in tests with the same folder structure.

To run all sniffs on themselves, use inside this sniffer repository root:

composer cs-check

Don't forget to test your changes:

composer test

Also run composer docs to generate new sniff list.

Note: To get those scripts above working from this repository root you need to run composer update first.

Testing your sniff

To add tests you can quickly generate the necessary files using

php tests/generate.php MyNamespace.MyType.MySniffName

You can also use "FQCN" of the sniff instead (".." quotes are important as the namespace backslashes would get lost otherwise).

Tip: When running it without argument, it shows you the sniffs that are yet untested.

Tokenizing Tool

When coding new sniffs it really helps to see what the code looks like in regards of the token arrays. So we can parse a PHP file into its tokens using the following tool:

bin/tokenize /path/to/file

(If you run this from your application, it will have to be run as vendor/bin/tokenize)

With more verbose output:

bin/tokenize /path/to/file -v

For a file MyClass.php it will create a token file MyClass.tokens.php in the same folder.

Example output of a single line of PHP code:

    protected static function _optionsToString($options) {

Using the verbose option:

    protected static function _optionsToString($options) {
// T_WHITESPACE (935) code=379, line=105, column=1, length=1, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`\t`
// T_PROTECTED (936) code=348, line=105, column=2, length=9, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`protected`
// T_WHITESPACE (937) code=379, line=105, column=11, length=1, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=` `
// T_STATIC (938) code=352, line=105, column=12, length=6, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`static`
// T_WHITESPACE (939) code=379, line=105, column=18, length=1, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=` `
// T_FUNCTION (940) code=337, line=105, column=19, length=8, parenthesis_opener=943, parenthesis_closer=945, parenthesis_owner=940, scope_condition=940, scope_opener=947, scope_closer=1079, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`function`
// T_WHITESPACE (941) code=379, line=105, column=27, length=1, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=` `
// T_STRING (942) code=310, line=105, column=28, length=16, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`_optionsToString`
// T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS (943) code=PHPCS_T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, line=105, column=44, length=1, parenthesis_opener=943, parenthesis_owner=940, parenthesis_closer=945, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`(`
// T_VARIABLE (944) code=312, line=105, column=45, length=8, nested_parenthesis={"943":945}, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`$options`
// T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS (945) code=PHPCS_T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, line=105, column=53, length=1, parenthesis_owner=940, parenthesis_opener=943, parenthesis_closer=945, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`)`
// T_WHITESPACE (946) code=379, line=105, column=54, length=1, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=` `
// T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET (947) code=PHPCS_T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, line=105, column=55, length=1, bracket_opener=947, bracket_closer=1079, scope_condition=940, scope_opener=947, scope_closer=1079, level=1, conditions={"9":358}, content=`{`
// T_WHITESPACE (948) code=379, line=105, column=56, length=0, level=2, conditions={"9":358,"940":337}, content=`\n`

Running own sniffs on this project

There is a convenience script to run all sniffs for this repository:

composer cs-check

If you want to fix the fixable errors, use

composer cs-fix

Once everything is green you can make a PR with your changes.


Spryker Code Sniffer







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  • PHP 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%