This small box of pandora (aka small app basis) composed from the following technologies:
- Dgraph as data store with GraphQL support, write operations using REST
- Minio as Amazon S3 compatible storage
- Stow allows using cloud storage provides like Amazon, Google, Azure
- ElasticSearch as search engine. Dgraph data can be automatically replicated in ElasticSeach index
- Kibana to explore ElasticSearch data
- NATS as messaging system with streaming of push notifications (events) via SSE channel
- Celery - distributed task queue
- RabbitMQ - fast message broker for celery tasks
- Redis - result backend for celery tasks and cache service
- Apache Tika - powerful content analysis toolkit
- try FluentD - for centralized logging, not implemented yet :)
Programming languages currently used in the project:
I'd like to have simple, flexible, dynamic, declarative, reactive, realtime information system :)
docker-compose up
runs the following services:
- Dgraph cluster managerdgraph
- Dgraph data manager hosts predicates & indexesratel
- serves the UI to run queries, mutations & altering schemanats
- plays as message buspubsub
- event streaming service based on SSE protocolminio
- Amazon S3 compatible file storeimageproxy
- service with image manipulation ops like resizingelasticsearch
- search and analitycs enginekibana
- Elasticsearch dashboardapp
- application API servicecaddy
- web server as service gateway