A brief description of your project goes here.
file should contain only the information necessary for developers to start using and contributing to your project. Longer documentation is better suited to wikis.
🤔 Optional
If your README
is very long, consider incorporating a table of contents to facilitate navigation for users.
🤔 Optional
More detailed overview of your project. Explain what it does, the motivation, and any relevant background information.
If necessary, you can briefly mention the current milestone and its significance.
🤔 Optional (Highly recommended if the project is in development)
- Repository Definition: To establish the repository structure and set the foundation for organised collaboration.
- Define the Project: To define and outline the project's objectives, scope, and overall plan.
- Milestone 3: Description of the milestone
Milestones must have issues associated.
If necessary, list any prerequisites or requirements that users need to install your project. Include links and instructions.
- Prerequisite 1
- Prerequisite 2
Provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and set up your project.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
Explain how to use your project. Provide instruction, code examples, screenshots, or any other relevant information that can help users/contributors use the project.
Also if your project will require authentication like API keys, passwords, or usernames, this is the place to explain that.
Many projects utilise a .env
file (or similar) to manage environment variables.
The .env
file contains sensitive information and configuration settings that are specific to your local environment.
The .env
file should not be included in the repository. You can begin by copying and modifying the .env.example file.
⚠️ 🔑 Do not include personal access tokens or passwords in the project. This information must be stored in an external file (_e.g. .env file) and not stored in the repository. If necessary, make available code instructions on how to run the project.
If necessary, made available code instruction of how to run the project.
$ your-command --options
A code of conduct is a document that establishes expectations for the behaviour of your project’s contributors. The text is usually stored in the CODE_OF_CONDUCT file at the root of the project. For more information read this page.
We expect everyone participating in our project to follow a Code of Conduct. Please read it here.
Let others know how they can contribute to your project. Include guidelines for reporting issues, making pull requests, and any coding standards you want contributors to follow.
For further details on this example repository and to enhance your understanding of its layout and GitHub features, please check out the following documents:
- Repository Organisation Guide: A comprehensive overview of the directory and file organisation within this example repository.
- GitHub Repository Features Overview: A overview of the key GitHub features utilised in this repository to enhance collaboration, streamline documentation, and improve project management.
A short description of the license. If you want to share your work with others, please consider choosing an open-source license (MIT, Apache, GNU, etc.)
The text of a license is usually stored in the LICENSE
file at the root of the project.
This project is licensed under the
[License Name]
- see the LICENSE file for details.
Let others know who help and support the project. It can include libraries, previous works, support of other individuals, etc.
Do not forget to mention that this project is developed in the context of a university course in the MSc of Design and Multimedia of the University of Coimbra.
- Your Name - design and development
- Sérgio M. Rebelo - supervision
- Pedro Silva - revision