This project visualise ISIS L2 topology using Neo4j database and help planning MPLS LSP bandwidth demands.
Project should work fine on Linux and OSx with the following requirements.
- Neo4j server version 2.3.7 installed locally
- disable authentication
in configuration
- disable authentication
- python 2.7
- python modules
- lxml==3.6.0
- py2neo==2.0.8
- requests==2.9.1
On Windows use Vagrant + VirtualBox.
From the root of the project type vagrant up
When VM is up open in Neo4j browser http://localhost:7474/browser/
- import ISIS topological data in Neo4j graph database
it require file with output from command show isis database extensive | display xml
- uses Neo4j API to calculate a path
between Source and Destination ISIS Nodes and place bandwidth per path.
- (optional) download and save LSP demands from InfluxDB.
- (optional) helper script to convert CSV file with
Hostname,Loopback IP,LSP bandwidth to a CSV file with Source,Destination,LSP bandwidth
- project settings in Python file
- implementation of REST API query to Neo4j DB.
// What is related, and how
MATCH (a)-[r]->(b)
WHERE labels(a) <> [] AND labels(b) <> []
RETURN DISTINCT head(labels(a)) AS This, type(r) as To, head(labels(b)) AS That
This | To | That |
Router | LINK | Router |
Router | SimNN | Router |
Prefix | ISIS | Router |
Relationship LINK
and ISIS
have property called metric
represent ISIS cost.
The following two queries delete all information in neo4j database.
delete connected nodes and links - match (n)-[r]-() delete n,r
delete not connected nodes - match (n) delete n
list of subnets connected to more that 2 routers (not p2p)
match (a:Prefix)-[r]->(:Router) with a, count(*) as n where n > 2 match (a)-->(z:Router) return a,z
Smimilar as previous query - find all ISIS DIS nodes (LAN segmens)
match (a:Router)-[r]->(z:Router) where NOT ( =~ '.+.00$') return a,r,z
Example Dijkstra ECMP query
match (a:Router{name:'at-vie05b-ri2-re0.00'}), (z:Router{name:'HU-MON-MONR-RA2.00'}),
p = allshortestPaths((a)-[r:LINK*]->(z))
WITH reduce(cost = 0, rel in rels(p) | cost + rel.metric) as sumcost, p
return sumcost,extract(n IN nodes(p)|