A sprite sheet loader for using Free Texture Packer with Monogame
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There are four main classes to look at :
: it represent one image inside of a spritesheetSpriteSheet
: it represent the a collection on spriteframeSpriteSheetLoader
: it is used to load the spritesheet generated from Free Texture PackerSpriteRender
: it draws a sprite to the screen
The other classes are used to store information about a SpriteFrame:
stores the pivot point of a frameRect
store the (X,Y) position of an image inside of a sritesheet and that image size (Width, Height)Size
store the size (With, Height) of the image
You must have Monogame installed.
For this example, I'm using Monogame
You must also have Free Texture Packer installed
For this example, I'm using Free Texture Packer 0.6.7
You have two ways to install it in your project
Use the sources
Simply copy theFreeTexturePackerLoader
folder in your monogame project -
Get IT through Nuget
dotnet add package FreeTexturePacker.Lib --version 1.0.0
Open Free Texture Packer
Add the images in the
folder -
Set texture name to
Set texture format to
Check the
Remove file ext
box -
For the packer use
Allow trim
box -
For the format, choose
Click the little pencil next to it
Paste the following export template :
{ "name":"{{{config.imageName}}}", "frames":[ {{#rects}} { "filename":"{{{name}}}", "frame":{ "X":{{frame.x}}, "Y":{{frame.y}}, "Width":{{frame.w}}, "Height":{{frame.h}} }, "rotated":{{rotated}}, "trimmed":{{trimmed}}, "spriteSourceSize":{ "X":{{spriteSourceSize.x}}, "Y":{{spriteSourceSize.y}}, "Width":{{spriteSourceSize.w}}, "Height":{{spriteSourceSize.h}} }, "sourceSize":{ "Width":{{sourceSize.w}}, "Height":{{sourceSize.h}} }, "pivot":{ "X":0.5, "Y":0.5 } }{{^last}},{{/last}} {{/rects}} ], "meta":{ "app":"{{{appInfo.url}}}", "version":"{{{appInfo.version}}}", "image":"{{{config.imageName}}}", "format":"{{{config.format}}}", "size":{ "Width":{{config.imageWidth}}, "Height":{{config.imageHeight}} }, "scale":{{config.scale}} } }
Allow trim
andAllow rotation
boxes -
For file extension, write
Locate the Content directory of your monogame project and click
Select Folder
It'll generate two files: chess.json
and chess.png
The first contains informations about the spritesheet such as the posistion and size all the images inside that spritesheet and the last file is the actual spritesheet.
Create a monogame desktop project
Copy the
folder inside of your monogame project or add it through nuget -
At this using line at the top of your Game1.cs file
using FreeTexturePackerLoader;
Create an instance of the SpriteSheetLoader in the
methodvar spriteSheetLoader = new SpriteSheetLoader(Content);
Create aninstance of the SpriteRenderer
private SpriteRender spriteRender;
In the
method, add :spriteRender = new SpriteRender(_spriteBatch);
Load the spritesheet
private SpriteSheet spriteSheet;
In the
method, add :spriteSheet = spriteSheetLoader.Load("chess");
Draw a sprite from the spritesheet In the
method, add :spriteRender.Draw(spriteSheet.GetSprite("reine_blanc"), new Vector2(100, 100), Color.White);
You should see the white queen at the screen
Now try to show all the chess piece at the screen.
You can find the full project in the
Example/ChessBoard Final
Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Sesso Kosga - Initial work - senor16
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the licence.md file for details