A testbed for playing with efficiently opening applications from URLs
curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
heroku client: CLI tool for creating and managing Heroku apps foreman: an easy option for running your apps locally git: revision control and pushing to Heroku
git clone git@github.com:setdirection/ios-url-deeplink.git
cd ios-url-deeplink
npm install
node server.js
foreman start // or, start the heroku emualation client
login to heroku
heroku login
scale up the instances
heroku ps:scale web=1
push new code to heroku
git push heroku master
take a look at the processes
heroku ps Process State Command ------- -------------- ---------------------- web.1 crashed for 9m node server.js -m prod
restart a process
heroku restart web.1 Restarting web.1 process... done
watch the logs
heroku logs