Test and Behavior Driven Development - built with MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node
You will need the following software properly installed on your computer.
git clone https://github.com/sethbergman/jobfinder.git && cd jobfinder
npm install && bower install
mongod --dbpath data
npm start
npm test
karma start
If you are developing locally and you want karma to watch the files for changes then you'll need to change line 69 in karma.conf.js
file to singleRun: false
. It is set to true
to enable tests in continuous integration mode.
This application uses the 12 Factor methodology for building applications which run as a service. Learn more about The Twelve Factors.
I use dokku, a Docker powered mini-Heroku that I run on my own server. The only environment variable I had to set is the MONGODB_URL
. It's NEVER a good idea to commit your database connection string into the repository. In my project's root directory, I entered the following in my terminal window.
dokku config:set MONGODB_URL=mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpass>@ds12211.mlab.com:12211/jobslist
This is of course after I added the dokku remote and committed all of my project files.
git remote add dokku dokku@dokku-server.com:jobfinder
git push dokku master