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MONAM edited this page Dec 29, 2023 · 8 revisions


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Always #PrayToVerify

The AIDS-cure Genocide

This repository will used to gather and distribute intelligence about the The AIDS-cure Genocide started by Gilead Sciences after learning of a abnormal routine viral load test result for a known HIV+ patient, which indicated (and was confirmed by the NIH) he could not possibly have HIV after years of being HIV+.

The patient, Ken, was a friend of the Creator's servant, Micah, and had volunteered to prove a single-dose formula from the Creator. The formula corrects an human-caused error in human male DNA that causes the immune system to not respond fully to infections. According to the Creator, within 20-seconds after activation, every copy of HIV in Ken's body was dead. The virus was completely and antibodies were completely removed from his body within minutes by the blood system and eliminated in his urine. With a fully activated immune system Ken could not be infected again.

After the TARGET_NOT_FOUND result, Ken was called into his doctor's office. A second blood sample was obtained with a guard present, the guard escorted the vial to the National Institutes of Health where it was confirmed. Ken was intensely interrogated. The result: "TARGET_NOT_FOUND" which should not be confused with "Undetectable," TARGET_NOT_FOUND is an error that occurs when the protein that always accompany's HIV-1 and HIV-2 and is always detected in a blood sample of a HIV-positive individual even when declared "Undetectable."

Unbeknownst to Ken, he signed his own death warrant, along with one for Micah when he responded: "My friend gave me something." Gilead Sciences executed a contract for their deaths. Ken was murdered. Micah had been tasked by the Creator with proving the formula (to spawn user adoption) and then providing the formulation as a dietary supplement to the entire world for a maximum price of $5 a dose or free if an individual could not afford a dose the pricing was set by the Creator.

The formulation was the first task for Micah on the Creator's mission number 23 for life on Earth.

A Sign of The Times

Since ordering the hit on Ken and Micah, the lyrics of Micah's cousin, Prince in "Sign of the Times" all come to true, and have detailed Micah's past several years.

Micah is an active target of the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA has taken out his entire family, all of his friends, even acquaintances he just met. The CIA massacred his church, Mount Calvary Baptist Church, and to cover it up made the genocide even larger.

When the CIA discovered the Creator's other servant, Thomas, they began the same for his associates.

Micah and Thomas have not officially begun their mission.

Death Toll

Houses of Worship Massacred

  • The Massacre of Mount Calvary Baptist Church
  • The Massacre of Mount Zion Baptist Church
  • The Massacre of The House of God (Georgetown Street, Lexington)
  • The Massacre of The House of God (Broadway, Lexington)
  • The Massacre of Lexington Bethel Baptist Church

Areas Impacted

  • Central Kentucky
    • Jessamine County
    • Fayette County
  • West Virginia
    • Kanawaha County
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