Maximum Value of Every level of a Binary Tree, Sub array With Given Value.
Tower of Hanoi, Delete Node, Maximum Number of Students to be Removed.
Delete Columns to Make Sorted, Maximum Profit by Choosing a Subset of Intervals, Maximum Traling Zeros in a Cornered Path, Single Valued Subtree.
Find The Longest String, Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons.
Maximum Ice Cream Bars, Shortest Prime Path.
Arranging Triangles In Increasing Order, Array Reversal, Boxes Through a Tunnel, Calculate The Nth Term, Digit Frequency, Dynamic Array, Flattening A Linked List, Gas Station, Permutations Of Strings, Post Transition, Print The Maximum Values Of AND OR And XOR Operator, Print The Sum Of Digits Of A Five Digit Integer, Print The Sum Of The Integers In The Array, Printing Patterns Using Loops, Printing Tokens, Problem Using For Loop, Problem Using If Else If Else Statement, Querying The Document, Sorting Array Of Strings, Structuring The Documents, Students Marks Sum, Variadic Functions.
Absolute Difference Divisible By K, Max Points On A Line.
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal, Last Modified Ball.
Same Tree, Transform To Sum Tree.
Make Array Elements Unique, Minimum Time To Collect All Apples In A Tree.
Minimize The Sum, Number of Nodes in The Sub-Tree With The Same Label.
Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters, Count Lucky Permutations.
Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String, Maximum Number of Toys.
Number of Good Paths, Count the Substring.
Insert Interval, Next Greater Element.
Find the maximum GCD of the siblings of a Binary Tree, Flip String to Monotone Increasing.
Maximum Sum Circular Subarray, Find the first node of loop in linked list.
Maximum Weight Node,
GCP Array,
Geeks And The String, Find The Town Judge.
Type It, Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes.
Concatenated Words, Total Decoding Messages.