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#WDI SF 21

HW Submission Form

##Week 11 -- MEAN

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills CodeWars & Whiteboarding (team) CodeWars & Whiteboarding (team) CodeWars & Whiteboarding (team) Final Project Final Project
Module1 MEAN Lab (Nathan) OAuth Lab (Nathan) Lightning Talks Final Project Final Project
Module2 Lightning Talk Research (Ilias) Lightning Talks Final Project Intro (team) Final Project Final Project
HW OAuth (Nathan) No Reading No Reading No Reading

##Week 10 -- Angular

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills NO CLASS TRIE (Justin) TRIE (Justin) TRIE (Justin) Review
Module1 NO CLASS Angular Intro (Ilias) Angular Routing (Nathan) CRUD Lab (Justin) Review / Pokemon Battle Lab
Module2 NO CLASS Angular Directives (Justin) ng $http / resources (Ilias) Lab (contd.) (JC) Weekend Angular Prototype (Nathan)
HW Angular Primer (Ilias) Custom Angular Directives (Ilias) Angular Resources (Justin) Angular Overview (Nathan)

##Week 9 - Project 2

##Week 8 - Vagabond

##Week 7 - Rails

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills CSV Challenge (Nathan) CSV Challenge (Nathan) CSV Challenge (Justin) CSV Challenge (Justin) Review (Team)
Module1 Migrations & Validations (Nathan) SQL (Justin) Rails Way (Ilias) Asset Pipeline & Lab (Nathan) Review (Team)
Module2 Auth (Ilias) Relationships (Justin) Library App Lab (Nathan) Rspec TDD Lab (Ilias) Rails Drills (Ilias)
HW Intro SQL (Justin) Partials & Asset Pipeline (Ilias) Intro to Testing & Rspec (Justin) Action Mailer (Ilias)

##Week 6 - Ruby

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Peer Review (All Morning) Regex Drills (Justin) Ruby Merge (Ilias) Ruby Bubble Sort (Nathan) AR Review (Nathan)
Module1 Environment Setup (Justin) Ruby Method Drills (Nathan) Ruby OOP (Ilias / Justin) Intro Rails Framework (Ilias) Rock 'n Rails (Ilias)
Module2 Intro Ruby (Justin) Username Generator Lab w/ Pairing (Nathan) OOP Lab (Justin / Ilias) Intro Active Record (Nathan) Bog App (Justin)
HW Datatypes and more, IP Lab OOP Reading (Justin) Rails Intro (Ilias) Rails Guides & Rails for Zombies Rails Checklist

##Week 5 - Project 1

##Week 4 - Users

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Binary Search (Justin) Secret Keys (Ilias & Justin) Bubble Sort!(Justin) Merge Sort Review (Team)
Module1 Mongo Relationships (Justin) Cookies (Nathan) Authorization: Express Bcrypt (Ilias) Seven Challenges Lab (Nathan) Review (Team)
Module2 Mongo Relationships (Justin) Form Login Lab (Nathan) Authorization: Express Bcrypt (Ilias) Project One: Intro (Team) Project One
HW Cookies (Nathan) Auth (Ilias) No Reading! Project One

##Week 3 - REST & CRUD

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Game Show (Team) Linked Lists (Justin) Linked Lists (Justin) Linked Lists (Justin) Assessment (Team)
Module1 Bootstrap, Bower (Nathan) Intro Express: Routing (Nathan) Todo Lab: CR (Ilias) Mongo CRUD (Justin) Review (Team)
Module2 ORM Lab (Justin) Intro Express: Static Assets (Nathan) Todo Lab: UD (Ilias) Express Mongo Lab (Nathan) Catchphrase Project
HW Express Hello World (Nathan) RESTful convention (Ilias) Mongo CRUD(Justin) Bret Victor: Inventing on Principle (Ilias)

##Week 2 - Working with Objects

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Extend Kyrel (Nathan) HTML Strings (Justin) HTML Strings (Justin) Frequency Counter (Ilias) Assessment (Team)
Module1 Array Methods (Justin) Forms & JSON (Nathan) HTML Templating (Ilias) Objects (Justin) Review (Team)
Module2 Implementing Iterators (Ilias) Intro AJAX (Nathan) AJAX & Google Maps (Nathan) OOP Drills (Justin) OOP Racing Game (Nathan)
HW HTML Forms (Ilias) How the Internet Works (Ilias) OOP Reading (Justin) JS Style Guide (Nathan)

##Week 1 - Controlling the DOM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Course Overview (Ali / Team) Kyrel basics (Nathan) Kyrel loops (Nathan) Kyrel advanced (Nathan) Assessment (Team)
Module1 Culture Setting (Team) Control Flow (Nathan / Ilias) Functions & Arguments (Justin / Ilias) Intro jQuery & DOM (Nathan / Justin) Review (Team)
Module2 Assessment (Team) Modular Programs (Ilias / Justin) Class-based CSS (Ilias / Justin) DOM Context & Event Binding (Nathan / Ilias) Racing Game (Team)
HW JS Primitives & Control Flow Functions & CSS jQuery & DOM No Reading!


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Contributors 4
