A command-line tool for packing/unpacking Fallout 1/2 DAT files.
Original author: Anchorite (TeamX)
dat2 <command> [options] [-t dir] [-d dir] DAT_file [list | @response_file]
a: Add files to DAT file. Create new if DAT file does not exist
x: Extract files from DAT file
d: Delete files from DAT file (only info about files)
l: List files in DAT file
k: Shrink DAT file
-s: create Fallout 1 DAT file
-r: recurse into subdirectories
-0..9: Compression method
(Fallout1: 0 - store, other numbers - compress (default))
(Fallout2: 0 - store, 1 - best speed, 9 - best compression (default))
-p: extract without paths
-d: extract files into specified directory
-t: add files to specified directory of DAT file
--: end of options