This is a simple tool to fetch AWS prices from the AWS Price List API. It is intended to be command line tool.
$ go get
- AWS credentials
- Connection infomation to local MongoDB or MongoDB Atlas
Assumes execution on local MongoDB
$ export MONGODB_URI="mongodb://localhost:27017"
$ apf fetch
See help(-h
option) for details
$ apf price --instance-type=t3.small ec2
Service Region OS/Engine InstanceType vCPU Memory PhysicalProcessor ClockSpeed(GHz) Tenancy CapacityStatus PreInstalledSw ProcessorArchitecture OnDemandPrice(USD/hour) OnDemandPrice(USD/month)
AmazonEC2 ap-northeast-1 Linux t3.small 2 2 GiB Intel Skylake E5 2686 v5 3.1 GHz Shared Used NA 64-bit 0.0272000000 19.86
$ apf price --vcpu=4 ec2
$ apf price --instance-type=t3.small ec2 --os=Windows