WebStreaming + Motion detector algorithm will detect motion by form of background subtraction
- pip install flask
- pip install numpy
- pip install opencv-contrib-python
- pip install imutils
Live streaming from local device, i.e. camera which is physically connected to the host machine/server (both commands are equivalent):
% python app.py --device_ip --server_port 8000
% env DEVICE_IP="" SERVER_PORT=8000 ./app.py
Live streaming from Spain:
% env DEVICE_IP="" SERVER_PORT=8000 REMOTE_IP="" ./app.py
Live streaming from Israel:
% env DEVICE_IP="" SERVER_PORT=8000 REMOTE_IP="" ./app.py
MULTI_THREAD_EN env can be applied for enabling/disabling multi-thread setup, i.e. whether or not video processing
will be done in a separate thread or not (might become sensitive when running in a production server).
- https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2019/09/02/opencv-stream-video-to-web-browser-html-page
- https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2019/04/15/live-video-streaming-over-network-with-opencv-and-imagezmq
- https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/02/06/faster-video-file-fps-with-cv2-videocapture-and-opencv
- https://stackabuse.com/deploying-a-flask-application-to-heroku
- https://github.com/mrxmamun/camera-live-streaming
- https://github.com/mrxmamun/live-stream-face-detection
- https://www.insecam.org