Yet another Freebox API exporter for Prometheus! This project is actually in work in progress. New contributors are welcome! Please join our Matrix room and say "hey!"
Disclaimer: This project is unofficial and is not affiliated with Free S.A.S. ISP nor Iliad Group
You will find on Grafana gallery the board for the exporter, also source file is located here
You will find here the original Grafana board for the exporter, thanks go to @ottobaer!
- Freebox metrics exposition
- Metrics caching & background update
- Customizable data directory
- Customizable metrics prefix
- Customizable log files retention
- Compressed log files
- Customizable/CLI overridable log verbosity
- CLI overridable configuration file path
- ➖ Authentication
- ✅ Register: 100%
- ✅ Login: 100%
- ➖ Configuration
- ➖ Connection
- ✅ Status: 100%
- ✅ Configuration: 100%
- ✅ Configuration IPV6: 100%
- ❌ xDSL: 0%
- ✅ FFTH: 100%
- ❌ DynDNS: 0%
- ✅ Lan: 100%
- ✅ Lan Browser: 100%
- ❌ Freeplug: 0%
- ✅ DHCP: 100%
- ✅ Switch: 100%
- ✅ Wi-Fi: 100%%
- ✅ System: 100%
- ❌ VPN Server: 0%
- ❌ VPN Client: 0%
- ➖ Connection
You can suggest your ideas in discussion section
You will find usage by using the following command freebox-exporter-rs -h
Usage: freebox-exporter-rs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
auto starts the application and registers it if necessary
register registers the application
serve starts the application
session-diagnostic runs a diagnostic on the session
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-c, --configuration-file <CONFIGURATION_FILE>
-v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY>
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Running with docker
docker pull
version: '3.8'
container_name: freebox-exporter
- ./config:/etc/freebox-exporter-rs
- ./data:/data
- "9102:9102"
restart: unless-stopped
command: ["/root/freebox-exporter-rs", "-c", "/etc/freebox-exporter-rs/config.toml" ,"auto"]
port must match with value set in your configuration file
volume path must match with data_directory
value set in your configuration file
# Acceptable values: "router" or "bridge"
# These values will determine whether use discovery or not, see:
# * discovery on:
# * Traffic will be using host like
# * FQDN resolves to your public IP address.
# * However, you do not need to activate remote_access from local network to get API working.
# * discovery off:
# * Traffic will be using host
# * FQDN resolves to a public IP address (not yours), which allows you to reach your freebox API even if it's set to bridge mode.
# Remark:
# * If the application is set in "bridge" mode, it works even when Freebox is set to "router" mode but some functionalities will be disabled
# * If the application is set in "router" mode, it does not work when Freebox is set to "bridge" mode
mode = "bridge"
# Refresh wait interval in seconds, application will send requests to the freebox host on each refresh iteration
# This does not affect prometheus scrap agents, application will use cached values between calls
# Remark:
# more you set API exposition (c.f: [metrics] section) more requests will be sent,
# setting a too low interval between refreshs could lead to request rate limiting from freebox host
refresh = 5
# Exposes connection
connection = true
# Exposes lan, this option may not work in bridge_mode
lan = true
# Exposes lan browser, this option does not work in bridge_mode
lan_browser = true
# Exposes switch, this option may not work properly in bridge_mode
switch = true
# Exposes wifi
wifi = true
# Exposes dhcp
dhcp = true
# Sets metrics prefix, it cannot be empty
# Warning if you are using the exporter Grafana board, changing this value will cause the board to be unable to retrieve data if you do not update it
prefix = "fbx_exporter"
# Specify where to store data for exporter such as APP_TOKEN, logs, etc.
data_directory = "."
# Specify which TCP port to listen to, for the /metrics HTTP endpoint
port = 9102
# Specify which log level to use
# Acceptable values :
# * "Off" : A level lower than all log levels
# * "Error" : Corresponds to the `Error` log level
# * "Warn" : Corresponds to the `Warn` log level
# * "Info" : Corresponds to the `Info` log level
# * "Debug" : Corresponds to the `Debug` log level
# * "Trace" : Corresponds to the `Trace` log level
level = "Info"
# Specify how long application should keep compressed log files, value is in days
retention = 31
git clone && cd freebox-exporter-rs
cargo run serve
You can change output log level by specifying verbosity, such as cargo run -- -v Debug serve
cargo run register
Run the following command.
cargo test
If you changed port in conf.toml
, update the command line below.
curl http://localhost:9102/metrics
If you want to help ❤️, you can contribute, give feedbacks or you can still buy me a ☕ or leave a ⭐!
- : official Freebox blog
- : official Freebox bugs report board