Add java libraries to your kawa project simply and easily using Cerinthus
Add cerinthus.scm to the root directory of your kawa project. The following example code downloads the apache poi library and adds it to your runtime.
(require <cerinthus>)
(set-env! '((org.apache.poi poi 3.17)
(org.apache.poi poi-ooxml 3.17)
(org.apache.xmlbeans xmlbeans 2.6.0)))
Version numbers are optional; Cerinthus will simply download the latest version.
(require <cerinthus>)
(set-env! '((org.apache.poi poi)
(org.apache.poi poi-ooxml)
(org.apache.xmlbeans xmlbeans)))
Kawa conveniently supports the unix-style she-bang for scripting. Cerinthus makes writing kawa scripts even easier.
;;example kawa script that also helps us learn more about Cerinthus
(require <cerinthus>)
(set-env! '((commons-io commons-io 2.6)))
(define-alias FileUtils
(define-alias URL
(define-alias File
(define url (URL ""))
(FileUtils:copyURLToFile url (File "./irenaeus-book1.html"))
Cerinthus is compatible with Kawa 2.4.