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This library aims to do all the logic of authentication, push notification and version control in VAS related android apps belongs to AyanTech.

Current Version

You can always find the latest version number here:

How to add this to your project

This project is made by kotlin. So if you build your app completely in JAVA and you didn't config kotlin for your project, you may need to add kotlin to the project. Follow this link for instructions.

This library depends on AppCompat and CardView support libraries. So you need to add them if you don't already have them in your project:

implementation ''
implementation ''

And it needs google play services in order to work properly for push notification services. Add this lines for dependencies:

implementation ''
implementation ''

Add this line to the beginning of of build.gradle for your app module:

apply plugin: 'io.fabric'

Add this line to the end of build.gradle for your app module:

apply plugin: ''

And add these lines to the dependencies section of build.gradle for your project level:

classpath ''
classpath ''

And this line to the repositories section of build.gradle for your project level:

maven { url '' }

Finally put google-services.json file that you have in app folder of your project.

Also it depends on Retrofit with Gson converter. So add these lines if you don't have them:

implementation ''
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.12.0'

If your app needs to have Irancell authentication, you need to add inAppPurchase.aar and inAppSDK.aar files. You can get them from this repo. In order to add them, from new menu, choose module and then import .JAR/.AAR package and add them to your project. Then add these lines to your gradle file:

implementation project(':inAppPurchase')
implementation project(':inAppSDK')

Finally add JitPack maven repository to your project level gradle file, so allProjects tag of it should be something like this:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

And then add this line to module level gradle file:

implementation 'com.github.shadowalker77:vasexample:0.7.0'

After syncing gradle, create a values xml file in project values folder and config this strings properly with given values:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="applicationName">applicationName</string>
    <string name="batchAPIKey">your_relevent_batch_api_key</string>
    <string name="applicationType">android</string>

Attention: You don't need to set application type in most of projects. But configuring application name and category will be needed in all projects. Configuring batch api key is necessary.


You should communicate with this SDK using AyanCore class. In java you should use AyanCore.Companion.* and in kotlin you should use AyanCore.*. Here is an example: You should initialize the SDK in your application class. So, here is how you should do it:

  • JAVA:
AyanCore.Companion.initialize(this, "APP_UNIQUE_TOKEN")

In the callback function, subscriptionResult variable determines the result of user subscription.

  • kotlin:
AyanCore.initialize(this, "APP_UNIQUE_TOKEN")

On each start of application, in your main activity, depends on which language you are coding (JAVA or kotlin) use one of this approaches. After get the result in the callback method, you should proceed with proper logic.

  • JAVA:
    new Function1<SubscriptionResult, Unit>() {
        public Unit invoke(SubscriptionResult subscriptionResult) {
            if (SubscriptionResult.OK == subscriptionResult) {
                Log.d("Subscription", "OK");
			} else if (SubscriptionResult.CANCELED == subscriptionResult) {
                Log.d("Subscription", "CANCELED");
			} else if (SubscriptionResult.NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION == subscriptionResult) {
                Log.d("Subscription", "NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION");
			} else if (SubscriptionResult.TIMEOUT == subscriptionResult) {
                Log.d("Subscription", "TIMEOUT");
			} else if (SubscriptionResult.UNKNOWN == subscriptionResult) {
                Log.d("Subscription", "UNKNOWN");
            return null;

In the callback function, subscriptionResult variable determines the result of user subscription.

  • kotlin:
AyanCore.startVasSubscription(activity) {
  when (it) {
        SubscriptionResult.OK -> Log.d("Subscription", "OK")
        SubscriptionResult.CANCELED -> Log.d("Subscription", "CANCELED")
        SubscriptionResult.NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION -> Log.d("Subscription", "NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION")
        SubscriptionResult.TIMEOUT -> Log.d("Subscription", "TIMEOUT")
        SubscriptionResult.UNKNOWN -> Log.d("Subscription", "UNKNOWN")

Attention: In this method you need to pass reference to your activity.

Access user token

For accessing user token, you should call:

  • JAVA:
  • kotlin:

Logout user

For log user out, call:

  • JAVA:

In the callback function, subscriptionResult variable determines the result of user subscription.

  • kotlin:

Check for subscription status of user

For checking user subscription status, use below method:

  • JAVA:
AyanCore.Companion.isUserSubscribed(this, new Function1<Boolean, Unit>() {
	public Unit invoke(Boolean aBoolean) {
        if (aBoolean == null) Log.d("SubscriptionStatus", "checking failed for some reasons");
		else if (aBoolean) Log.d("SubscriptionStatus", "user is subscribed");
		else Log.d("SubscriptionStatus", "user is not subscribed");
		return null;

Attention: aBoolean determines the status of user subscription. Important: aBoolean may be null which means checking for user subscription has been failed due to some reason like lack of the internet.

  • kotlin:
AyanCore.isUserSubscribed(this) {
  when (it) {
        null -> Log.d("SubscriptionStatus", "checking failed for some reasons")
        true -> Log.d("SubscriptionStatus", "user is subscribed")
        false -> Log.d("SubscriptionStatus", "user is not subscribed")

Attention: it variable is a Boolean which determines the status of user subscription. Important: it variable may be null which means checking for user subscription has been failed due to some reason like lack of the internet.

Share app

In order to properly share a valid link of app with proper descriptions, just call this method:

  • JAVA:
  • kotlin:

Get User Information

For getting information of user, use below method:

  • JAVA:
AyanCore.Companion.getUserInfo(this, new Function1<TokenInfo, Unit>() {
    public Unit invoke(TokenInfo tokenInfo) {
        Log.d("UserMob", tokenInfo.getMobileNumber());
        return null;
  • kotlin:
AyanCore.getUserInfo(this) {
    Log.d("UserMob", it.MobileNumber)


If progurad is enabled for your project, you need to add Retrofit, Gson and OkHttp proguard rules depending of which version you are using. Also, you need to add this line to your proguard file:

-keep public class ir.ayantech.ayannetworking.** { *; }
-keep public class ir.ayantech.ayanvas.** { *; }
-keep public class ir.ayantech.pushnotification.** { *; }

Also if your app doesn't supports Irancell authentication, you need to add following lines too:

-dontwarn net.jhoobin.jhub.**

And add this lines for batch proguard rules:

-keep class com.batch. { *; }
-keep class { *; }
-keep class { *; }
-keep class { *; }