This is the front-end code for the Bistro Boss Restaurant website. It is built using React and integrates with the backend to provide a seamless user experience for browsing the menu, managing cart items, and processing payments.
- User authentication and authorization
- Browse and filter menu items
- Add and remove items from the cart
- View order history
- Process payments using Stripe
- Admin dashboard for managing menu items and orders
- React
- React Router
- Axios
- Firebase
- Stripe
- TanStack React Query
- dotenv
- React Hook Form
- React Hot Toast
- React Icons
- React Loader Spinner
- React Paginate
- React Parallax
- React Responsive Carousel
- React Tabs
- React Toastify
- SweetAlert2
This is the backend code for the Bistro Boss Restaurant website. It is built using Express.js, MongoDB, and Stripe for handling various operations such as user authentication, menu management, cart management, and payment processing.
- User Authentication with JWT
- Admin authorization for sensitive operations such as make admin, add / delete new menu, update menu
- Menu management (CRUD operations)
- Cart management
- Payment gateway with Stripe
- Admin dashboards for monitoring users, products, orders, and payment
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Stripe
- dotenv
To access the admin features, use the following credentials:
- Email:
- Password: