In case you are not familiar with circuit breaker pattern, you can easily fix it by reading this nice article
This library is just a proof of concept of distributed circuit breaker and is not ready to be used in production....yet.
Distributed Circuit Breaker can be helpful if you need to share a circuit breaker state across multiple services (or multiple instances of the same service), which implies that circuit breaker's state is kept in some external storage (Redis, Mongo and so on...) as opposed to service instance memory.
Circuit breaker can be thought as a resilient wrapper of the an external system state which allows you to prevent overwheming external system with redundant request , save from unnecessary resource consumption and fail fast/fallback when the external system is not healthy.
Goto solution for applying circuit breakers is lovely Polly library. It allows you to nicely create/reuse circuit breakers that can be shared across the application code. But Circuit Breaker of Polly is in-memory, its state is available only within one application instance.
What if we want to share the same circuit breaker with other services in order for them to be also aware of that the external system unhealthiness ?
Let's say that we have some order service that can place order.
Here is the flow
- Send 'Place order' command to OrderService
- OrderService charge user for order, by communicating with PatementGateway
- OrderService asks ShipmentService to ship the order
OrderService uses in-memory singleton Circuit Breaker when it deals with ShipmentService (for example Polly Circuit Breaker) .
- At some sunny day (usually Friday the 13th), ShipmentService decided to break down, become unhealthy, unavailbe, just died!
- 'Place order' command arrived to OrderService
- After a 5 failed attempts to ship order OrderService will figure out that ShipmentService is unhealthy, and probably there is no any point to try to ship order at least the next 10 seconds, because ShipmentService is for sure will be unhealthy.
- As a result, CircuitBreaker of ShipmentService is be broken, and moved to Open state for configured duration of break (10 seconds) .
- Withing duraion of break (10 seconds) no any request to ShipmentService will be allowed in OrderService
- Once duration of break is elapsed, CircuitBreaker moves to HalfOpen state which allow to talk to ShipmentService in order to find out wether ShipmentService recovered or not.
- If ShipmentService is recovered (e.g responded successfully), then CircuitBreaker will switch to Closed state, otherwise it will return to Open state and again will prevent any subsequent request so ShipmentService withing duration of break (10 seconds)
In distributed system you can scale OrderService up to multiple instances. With an singleton circuit breaker you will end up having circuit breaker in each instance of OrderService, which means that each instance of OrderService need to make at keast 5 failed attempts to realize that ShipmentService is unhealthy and circuit breaker becomes opened. If you have 10 replicas of your services, you will end up making 50 failed attempt (instead of 5) to speak to ShipmentService. 45 redundant requests and unnecessary resource consumption! This stems from the fact that singleton circuit breaker is shared only withing a single instance and cannot be shared across multiple services.
Here we introduce distributed Circuit Breaker that can be access by multiple services. State of that Circuit Breaker is now not in instance's memory but in some shared storage (e.g Redis).
So, this library provide this solution.
Another approach is to place ShipmentService behind a Proxy service (aka Sidecar pattern or Service Mesh) that can keep Circuit Breaker. But this library doesn't implement this solution.
First define a policy for Circuit Breaker
// Circuit breaker for ShipmentService
public sealed class ShipmentServicePolicy : CircuitBreakerPolicy
public ShipmentServicePolicy()
// Exception and results that circuit breaker should handle
HandleException<ShipmentServiceException>(x => x.FailureReason == FailureReason.RateLimited);
HandleException<ShipmentServiceException>(x => x.FailureReason == FailureReason.Unavailable);
HandleResult<ShipmentResult>(x => !x.IsShipmentAccepted);
// Circuit breaker name that should be unique across all circuit breakers and no longer than 256 characters
public override string Name => "Shipment-Service";
// Number of failures allowed before breaking circuit breaker (moving to Open state)
public override int FailureAllowed { get; set; } = 10;
// How long does circuit breaker is allowed to be in Open state
public override TimeSpan DurationOfBreak { get; set; } = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
Then configure distributed circuit breaker by registering previous policy in Micsoroft.DependencyInjection ServiceCollection and specify storage (Redis or Mongo)
builder.Services.AddDistributedCircuitBreaker(ops =>
ops.UseRedis(x =>
// required
x.ConnectionString = "localhost";
You can configure as many circuit breaker policies as you want
builder.Services.AddDistributedCircuitBreaker(ops =>
ops.UseMongo(x =>
// required
x.ConnectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
// optional
x.CollectionName = "CircuitBreakers"; // default value
x.DatabaseName = "DistributedCircuitBreaker"; // default value
Then just inject circuit breaker in constructor by specifying CircuitBreakerPolicy that was registered on previous step
public class OrdersController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICircuitBreaker<ShipmentServicePolicy> _shipmentServiceCircuitBreaker;
public OrdersController(
... ,
ICircuitBreaker<ShipmentServicePolicy> shipmentServiceCircuitBreaker)
_shipmentServiceCircuitBreaker = shipmentServiceCircuitBreaker;
And use
public async Task<ActionResult<PlaceOrderResponse>> Post(PlaceOrderRequest orderRequest, CancellationToken token)
if (await _circuitBreaker.GetStateAsync(token) == CircuitBreakerState.Open)
// Hmm, seems like ShipmentService is not healthy, let's fail fast
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable, PlaceOrderResponse.Failed);
// Place order, charge user, and other useful stuff...
// Well, now it's time to ship our order
var shipmentResult = await _circuitBreaker.ExecuteAsync(async _ =>
await _shipmentService.ShipOrderAsync(orderRequest.OrderId), token);
if (shipmentResult.IsShipmentAccepted)
return PlaceOrderResponse.Successful;
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, PlaceOrderResponse.Failed);
catch (ShipmentServiceException)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable, PlaceOrderResponse.Failed);
You may find useful example in functional tests
What happens if there are two requests that simultaniously update circuit breaker state ? Well, for now chosen strategy is Last-Update-Wins, because it's easier and not that harmful (but of course not the best option).
Currently available storages are
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Wrap unit tests into docker-compose
- Add unit tests for untested components
- Ability to forcefully swtich Circuit Breaker to Open State
- Ability to forcefully swtich Circuit Breaker to Closed State
- Add more callbacks support during Circuit Breaker state changes
- Instead of using DurationOfBreak to swtich CircuitBreaker to Half-Open state we can instead periodically ping remote service (health-checks) to determine whether it become available or not.