Platformer game built using Java Jframe, Jpanel & Graphics classes
The program consists of 4 main screens
- Main Menu: The player has 3 buttons to select from: Start, Options, Quit
- Gameplay: When the game begins, player can move around the level, exploring the terrain and killing enemies. Once all enemies are killed, the level is completed
- Level Completed: Once the level is completed, the player can select from 2 options: Return to main menu or go to the next level
- Pause: If the esc key is pressed during gameplay, the player has the option to mute game music & sounds, change the volume, return to main menu, replay the level, continue gameplay
To run the program and start playing, follow these steps
- Fork the repository and load the code into an IDE of your choice
- Run the main class to start the program
- Use the W A S D buttons to move the player sprite and Spacebar to jump. To attack, click the left mouse button
- Import appropriate assets for levels, backgrounds, menu, sprites
- Add sounds and music files then implement into the game
- Create classes for entities, game states, input, levels, UI, utilities
- Implement player and enemy movement, actions, level terrain detection