The Confluence-to-markdown converter is able to convert most of the HTML to MD. However, some of the macros on material theme, such as warning/tip/note/info etc does not get directly translated. This tool helps fill such gaps.
The script consists of two sub scripts. Pre-processing and post-processing. The pre-processing script will run pre-processing logic on the html files. These pre-processed html files will be fed in to the confluence-to-md converter tool. The converted md files will be fed into the post-processing script, for further cleanup.
Main functions of the tool:
- converts warning/tip/info/note macros correctly
- Removes attachments from end of page
- Removes unnecessary span tags
- Adds spaces infront of text for proper formatting
- Install python
- Install the confluence-to-markdown tool.
- Install the beautifulsoup package by running the following command: "pip install beautifulsoup4".
- Open
- Configure the folder paths by creating new folders as required. These folder paths will be used by the scripts.
- html_source_folder - The folder path where the unmodified confluence HTML files are stored.
- html_destination_folder - The destination folder for the pre processed HTML pages.
- conversionToolFolderPath- Path to the conversion tool
- md_source_folder- Path to the folder that contains the md files generated from the confluence-to-markdown tool
- md_dest_folder - Destination folder that contains the post processed .md files.
On the last line of the script, change the <html_dest_folder_name> to the folder name chosen for the "html_destination_folder" config. Refer to the sample below.
python "$md_source_folder/html_dest_folder/" "$md_dest_folder"
4.Run the script