My NTU CSIE 7694 Digital Visual Effects (by Prof. CYY) homeworks,
you can get more details in each
or report.pdf
inside folders.
Mexican Hairless Dog, Xoloitzcuintli (/zoʊloʊiːtsˈkwiːntli/), or Xolo for short.
- project1_hdrImage
- Alignment (MTB + Image Pyramid + Offset Search)
- HDR (recover CRF + generate radiance map)
- Tone mapping (opencv or Photomatix)
- project2_panorama
- feature detection (SIFT detector, SIFT discriptor)
- feature matching (Brute force(2-norm distance), flann(kd-tree, knn-search))
- image matching (RANSAC finding shift)
- stitching n blending (Linear filter on fixed width edge or entire overlapRegion, Naive overlap stitching)
- end to end alignment (Scattering y displacement)
- cropping
- project3_matchMove
- structure from motion (sfm) concept
- Blender, Voodoo, iMovie, Photoshop
- VFX_Final
- Visual odometry with deep learning (DeepVO)