Click here to view a list of reports
This repository is an experiment in collecting and visualizing recent activity in the Jupyter communities. It covers several different GitHub organizations, as well as the Jupyter Community Forum.
All analyses and visualizations are created with Jupyter Notebooks, and generated as "reports" using the papermill library.
The reports are best viewed on nbviewer. You'll see a few folders representing activity in different moments in time. Click on the folder and then on the report that you'd like to see.
A caveat: The data in these reports is just what could be (relatively) easily scraped from the GitHub and Discourse APIs. That means we are missing a lot of really important activity that is difficult to scrape automatically. Don't treat the numbers in these reports as the total truth - they are just one view on the complex web of activity that is the Jupyter community.
Note, if the information on a page looks outdated, try flushing the nbviewer cache with ?flush_cache=true
in the URL.