C++ Parallel Image Processing Tool for a Dataset of Images. Applies multiple OpenCV functions on the whole batch using both Data and Task Parallelism for faster processing.
Commands for compiling this code:
If you have openCV4 already installed: g++ -o ImageProcessing ImageProcessing.cpp -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/opencv4/ -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lpthread
if you don't have openCV installed initially:
g++ ImageProcessing.cpp -o ImageProcessing pkg-config opencv4 --cflags --libs
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We tested the program on 9000+ images Dataset and extracted great processing performance through Parallelism principles. Currently due to Github file upload restrictions /images folder in the repository contains 70-ish files while output folder creation is must locally (output folder can be empty as all input files will be uploaded there in result). You can download maximum folders from Kaggle Images Dataset etc and paste them in the images folder, it should make the program working with your desired number of files.
Output Sample
Grayscale + Flip + Gaussian Blur + Edge Detection + Many More OPenCV operations!!