The all in one, new python. reStructuredPython aka 'rePython' is a superset of python with many new features, such as header files, similar to C and C++, Optional Javascript-like syntax with curly brackets {} around control loops, function chanining and more. All the features can be found in the syntax/feature guide of our documentation
To download the reStructuredPython compiler using the python package index:
pip install --upgrade restructuredpython
Download our vscode extension from the visual studio marketplace
To use the reStructuredPython compiler:
repy path/to/your/file.repy
It is that simple!
reStructuredPython code is written in a file extension .repy and reStructuredPython header files are written with the file extension .cdata. Functions can now be chained in a more readable syntax. Control loops an be defined with curly brackets, instead of colons. View entries 1, 2, and 3 of the syntax guide for more details.
Please contribute and raise issues! We just started and this is a pioneering project. Fork the repository, make your changes, update the documentation in the docs/* folder, add examples (if applicable) in the tests/.repy and their compiled versions in tests/.py directory as well as in docs/source/tutorials/programs and in docs/source/tutorials/compiled_programs. Once you have ensured all features work of the compiler by test-compiling the other files in tests/.repy/*, make a pull request with the github issue number is applicable, short concise title and description of your changes. Warining: The first paragraph of the pull request description will go to be part of the changelong, so keep it short and clear. PLEASE DO NOT label your changes as a new version. That will be done manually or by a bot.
View the changelog at
These mistakes will reslut in a syntax error thrown by the REPY compiler or invalid python. View the error index at