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Administering Bindaas without AdminConsole

Pradeeban Kathiravelu edited this page Aug 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

It is possible to administer Bindaas without the AdminConsole UI. A UI, however, makes it very easy to manage a Bindaas instance and create APIs. In some production environment, it may be required to deploy Bindaas services and stand-alone piece without the AdminConsole. This article describes the role of various configuration files and how they can be changed to configure Bindaas.

Removing AdminConsole from the standard distribution

Delete the bindaas-web-console-0.0.1.jar from the $BINDAAS_HOME/bundles/system directory and restart Bindaas.

$ cd $BINDAAS_HOME/bundles/system
$ rm bindaas-web-console-0.0.1.jar

Removing Security Dashboard

Delete the security-dashboard-0.0.1.jar from the $BINDAAS_HOME/bundles/system directory and restart Bindaas.

$ cd $BINDAAS_HOME/bundles/system
$ rm security-dashboard-0.0.1.jar

Changing AdminConsole Default Port

Edit the config.ini located under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin/configuration directory and change the following property :


Changing Middleware(service) Default Host/Port

Edit the bindaas.config.json file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and change following properties:

"host": ""
"port": 9099

If you are using the Query Browser from the AdminConsole to interact with the APIs you will also need to change the proxy URL as follows :

"proxyUrl": "" # This must correspond to the host and port set above 

Enable/Disable Authentication

Edit the bindaas.config.json file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and change following properties:

"enableAuthentication": true

Enable/Disable Authorization

Edit the bindaas.config.json file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and change following properties :

"enableAuthorization": true

Authorization is only enabled if Authentication flag is set to true

Enable/Disable Audit

Edit the bindaas.config.json file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and change following properties:

"enableAudit": true

Changing Authorization Provider

Edit the bindaas.config.json file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and change following properties :

"authorizationProviderClass": "edu.emory.cci.bindaas.security_dashboard.service.AuthorizationProviderImpl"

Changing Audit Provider (Not recommended)

Edit the bindaas.config.json file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and change following properties :

"auditProviderClass": ""

Changing Default Admin Password for AdminConsole

Edit the file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory and add as many user/password as you like :


Configuring Mail

The Mail service is used internally by Bindaas to send notifications(if enabled) about new user enrollment. Hence, it is only relevant if AdminConsole is installed. The file under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory can be edited to change default Mail settings :



Configuring Pseudo STS API

The Psudeo STS provides two API : issueToken and validateToken  modeled after SecurityTokenService 1.0. Using these RESTful operations, a third-party application/user can pass their own credentials(username/password) in the HTTP Header of the request. bindaas-pseudo-sts.config.json under $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory can be used to change the default configurations as follows :

  "ldapProviderClass": "",
  "defaultClientId": "",
  "defaultLifespanOfKeysInSeconds": 3600

The LDAP against which Users are authenticated can be configured using file located in the same directory.


Configuring Trusted Applications

Configuring Security Dashboard to use Rakshak

Security Dashboard in AIME/Bindaas by default is configured to use the following Identity Service :

  "rakshakBaseUrl": ""

To change this, edit the $AIME_HOME/bin/security-dashboard.config.json file and set the new value for rakshakBaseUrl

Exporting Audit Logs as CSV from OSGi Console

Certain routine administration tasks can be performed using the OSGi Console. Bindaas must be started with -console option in order to launch the OSGi console.

$ java -Dpid=BINDAAS_INSTANCE -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.8.2.v20130124-134944.jar -console

Run the following command to export Audit Logs to a csv file :

osgi > bindaas:audit:dump <<filename>>

<<filename>> is optional. If not specified a new file by the name bindaas.log.csv is created. 

To get access to osgi console telnet to osgi console port that is specified in the startup script


Purging Audit Logs

This operation will permanently delete all audit logs. On the OSGi console execute the following command:

osgi > bindaas:audit:clean

Purging All API-Keys, Audit other persistent information

All API-Keys, Audit logs and other persistent information are stored in the H2 Database. If you delete the H2 files all persistent data will be lost. The H2 files are stored in the $BINDAAS_HOME/bin directory :




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