The App for this website using Wordpress rest api and used a set of Android Jetpack libraries plus Retrofit to dispay data from REST API(Unsplash). The App is builded using Kotlin.
- Commercial Blog app for this website using Wordpress rest api
- Push notification ,User authentication, reward point , Category News etc
- Save news using Room Database
- Handling Network call using kotlin coroutine
The project uses MVVM architecture pattern.
- DataBinding - support library that allows binding of UI components in layouts to data sources,binds character details and search results to UI
- Navigation Component - Android Jetpack's Navigation component helps in implementing navigation between fragments
- Retrofit - To access the Rest Api
- Coroutines - To Handle network call
- ViewModel - Manage UI related data in a lifecycle conscious way and act as a channel between use cases and ui
- Dagger Hilt - Hilt is a dependency injection library for Android that reduces the boilerplate of doing manual dependency injection in this project
- Room Database - To store offline data and save favourite posts
- ViewPager2 - to manage multiple fragments for categores