A simple layer of abstraction over multiple smart-device services.
Install the latest release from PyPi:
pip install smartbridge
To get started with SmartBridge, export your smart device provider's access credentials (e.g., WYZE_USERNAME and WYZE_PASSWORD for your Wyze credentials) and log in via the API:
from smartbridge.factory import ProviderFactory, ProviderList
provider = ProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.WYZE, {})
credentials = provider.wyze_client.login('<your wyze.com email>', '<your wyze.com password>')
To explore the API, pass the generated credentials in the config object:
from smartbridge.factory import ProviderFactory, ProviderList
config = {
'access_token': <my access token>
provider = ProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.WYZE, config)
The exact same command (as well as any other SmartBridge method) will run with any of the supported providers: ProviderList.[WYZE]