AWS CDK sample list
Stack name | Description | Noted |
VpcSimpleCreate | Amazon VPC simple network with public, private and isolated subnets. | |
VpcClienVpnStack | AWS Client VPN create with Cloudwatch logs. | readmore |
TransitGatewayStack | Transit Gateway simple network | |
CloudTrailStack | CloudTrail enable with data events | |
Ec2StressHttpAutoscalingGroupStack | Stress HTTP service with autoscaling group. | |
Ec2WindowsWebJoinDomainAutoscalingGroupStack | Windows Server IIS web with autoscaling group and join AD domain | |
GithubEnterpriseServerStack | Github Enterprise with autoscaling group | |
EcsFargateCore | Amazon ECS simple cluster with AWS Fargate. | |
EcsScalingBySqsStack | Amazon ECS scaling based on SQS items. | readmore |
EksWithWorkerNodeStack | Amazon EKS with managed node groups | |
EksWithFargateStack | Amazon EKS with AWS Fargate. | |
EksIntegCodePipelineDeployStack | Amazon EKS integrate AWS code series deployment pipeline | |
EksEmrContainerStack | Amazon EMR on EKS with AWS Fargate | readmore |
MultiSourceWithApprovalPipelineStack | CodePipeline trigger sources from Amazon S3 and Codecommit | |
CloudFrontOrginS3WithLambdaEdgeStack | CloudFront serve static website with Lambda@Edge. | |
S3ObjectLambdaUppercaseStack | Amazon S3 transforming data with object lambda | |
EnableAwsGuarddutyStackSetStack | CloudFormation stackset enable AWS Guardduty. | |
ApiGatewayCognitoStack | API Gateway authrizer with Cognito | |
ImportCloudFormationStack | Import exist cloudformation stack | |
TerraformBackendStack | Terraform state backend locking resources with Amazon S3 and DynamoDB |
First bootstrap your cdk environment
$ cdk bootstrap
Deploy Stack name
to your account:
$ cdk deploy ${stack_name}
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