A set of nodes to control SONOS via NodeRED. Uses the sonos NPM Module.
Currently early alpha version ... development ongoing.
Open points / not tested yet:
- manipulating playlists
- zone configurations
- controlling stereo and or surround configurations
- automatic detection of play configuration
Known issues:
- Queue behavior changed, fixed quick and dirty the functions, please raise issues in case something is not working as expected.
- status is only set according to input, not requested from player
Planned upcoming features:
- annoucement node (should play a jingle or a text to speech thing and then continue with current playlist)
npm install node-red-contrib-sonos
Control - controls one SONOS player, by reacting on a JSON payload. Available modes:
Current Track - returns the currently played track
Queue - controls one SONOS player, by reacting on a JSON payload. Available modes:
"songuri":<uri of the song to be queued>
Group - controls join or leave of a group. The node itself represents the "master". Master node is also the one play stop and other activities will continue to work. Available modes:
"otherNode":<ip address of the node to join or to leave>