A calculator that uses handwritten digits and operators to calculate the result, using contour detection and CNN model prediction.
- Tensorflow (Keras) is used to create, train and load the neural network model used for predictions.
- CustomTKinter is used to provide the GUI.
- OpenCV and Pillow (PIL) are used to read input from the GUI canvas and to obtain contours for individual digits/operators.
- The individual digits/operators are detected and predicted. The predictions are combined into a string and evaluated to get the result.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Tensorflow (Keras)
- OpenCV
- Pillow (PIL)
- Pandas
- Numpy
- CustomTkinter
- Clone the repo and run the Jupyter notebook, MAIN.ipynb or run MAIN.py
- You can use digits
0 to 9
, operators+ - × /
, decimal point.
and parentheses( )
- You can also use ×× for exponentiation and // for floor division