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A JavaScript library for making front-end development sane


This ain't jQuery or React or any of that... This is a JavaScript library for front-end developers who want the full power that modern JavaScript has to offer with minimal bundle sizes, polyfills where needed, and a familiar but terse syntax. It's friendly enough for beginners, but powerful enough for even the most experienced developer.

It supports your AbortSignal. It supports trustedTypes and Sanitizer and cookieStore and your navigator.locks. And if you call in the next five minutes, I'll even throw in support for array.groupBy() & set.difference() (TC39 proposals) for free!


Were you expecting this to be where I tell you to npm install something?

We don't do that here meme

Maybe someday it'll be published on NPM, but until then you can either download it or add it as a submodule. There's just no reason for this to be restricted to NPM or to rely on it, and we're all using git anyways, right?

git submodule add path/to/use

To Update git submodule update --remote /path/to/use (assuming you added as a submodule).

Tip 1 Since this is all native JavaScript modules, you can easily plop everything on some CDN and import { stuff } from '';.

Tip 2 Use Dependabot to automatically get Pull Requests when a submodule (like std-js) is updated.

Contact Developer


// exports.js
// Export class/function/constant
export function myFunc() {
  // Function body

function notExported() {
  // Function body

export function unused() {
  // Function body

export class MyClass {
  // Class body

export const FOO = 'bar';
// Spiffy.js
// Default export (can only specify one default and should be only export)
export default class Spiffy {
  // Class body


// dialog.js
// Does not export anything.
if (! ('HTMLDialogElement' in window)) {
  Object.defineProperty(HTMLUnknownElement.prototype, 'open', {
    get: function() {
      return this.hasAttribute('open');
    set: function(open) {
      if (open) {
        this.setAttribute('open', '');
      } else {
        this.dispatchEvent(new Event('close'));
// main.js
// Import and run dialog.js
import './dialog.js';

// Import specific functions/classes/objects/etc.
// Must be valid relative or absolute path, so relative paths
// must begin with "./" or "../" and must contain extension.
// importing `as` aliases an import, allowing renaming from the name exported
import {myFunc, MyClass as CustomClass} from './exports.js';

// Or import everything into an object / namespace
import * as exports from './exports.js';
 * const exports = { myFunc, unused, MyClass, FOO };

// Import default (matching `export default`)
import Spiffy from './Spiffy.js';

// Import everything from a remote script
import '';


import './shims/sanitizer.js';
import './shims/trust.js';
import './shims/cookieStore.js';
import { html, on, attr, data, supportsElement, toggleClass } from './dom.js';
import { loadStylesheet, loadImage, preconnect } from './loader.js';
import { prefersColorScheme } from './match-media.js';
import { createPolicy } from './trust.js';
import { getJSON } from './http.js';
import { pwned } from './pwned.js';
import { YEARS } from './date-consts.js';
import { md5 } from './hash.js';
import { getBeforeUnloadSignal } from './abort.js';
// std-js does not provide these... They're just here for example
import { title, allowedOrigins } from './consts.js';
import { getCookiesConsent, createResultCard } from './funcs.js';

toggleClass(document.documentElement, {
  'no-dialog': ! supportsElement('dialog'),
  'no-details': ! supportsElement('details'),
  'js': true,
  'no-js': false,

const policy = createPolicy('default', {
  createHTML: input => new Sanitizer().sanitizeFor('div', input).innerHTML,
  createScript: () => trustedTypes.emptyScript,
  createScriptURL: input => {
    if (allowedorigins.includes(new URL(input, document.baseURI).origin)) {
      return input;
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Untrusted script URL: '${input}'`);

const signal = getBeforeUnloadSignal();

data(':root', {
  theme: prefersColorScheme(), // 'light' or 'dark'
  layout: 'default',


cookieStore.get({ name: 'cookie-consent' }).then(async cookie => {
  if (cookie == null) {
    if (await geCookieConsent()) {
      cookieStore.set({ name: 'cookie-consent', value: 'granted', expires: 2 * YEARS });

ready({ signal }).then(() => {
  html('heading', policy.createHTML(title));
  on('input[type="password"]', {
    change: async ({ target }) => {
      attr('.pwned-notice', { hidden: ! await pwned(target.value) });
  }, { signal });
  on('input[type="email"]', {
    change: async ({ target }) => {
      if (target.validity.valid) {
        const hash = await md5(input.value);
        const url = new URL(hash, '');
        url.searchParams.set('s', 96);
        const img = await loadImage(url, { height: 96, width: 96 });
  }, { signal });
  on(, {
    submit: async event => {
      const body = new FormData(;
      const results = await getJSON(, { body, signal });
      document.getElementById('search-results').replaceChildren(...await Array.fromAsync(results));
    reset: () => document.getElementById('search-results').replaceChildren(),
  }, { signal });