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Tracking deployments with Airbrake

shime edited this page Oct 27, 2012 · 2 revisions

Paying Airbrake plans support the ability to track deployments of your application in Airbrake. By notifying Airbrake of your application deployments, all errors are resolved when a deploy occurs, so that you'll be notified again about any errors that reoccur after a deployment.

Additionally, it's possible to review the errors in Airbrake that occurred before and after a deploy.

When Airbrake is installed as a gem, you need to add

require 'airbrake/capistrano'

to your deploy.rb.

If you don't use Capistrano, then you can use the following rake task from your deployment process to notify Airbrake:

$ rake airbrake:deploy TO=#{rails_env} REVISION=#{current_revision} REPO=#{repository} USER=#{local_user}

You can also use Airbrake executable to notify your Airbrake app of the deployment:

$ airbrake deploy -k YOUR_API_KEY