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Graham Scragg edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 1 revision

Shortcodes allow template authors to provide extra functionality for content editors to display custom html/componenets within any description/synopsis fields on their site.


Any jet templates that sit in the /templates/shortcodes directory of a site template are usable as a shortcode.

Each short code template can reference parameters provided to it as normal template variables. e.g: templates/shortcodes/code.go

<pre class="{{class}}">{{code}}</pre>


From within a markdown editor of the admin site an editor can use a shortcode using the following format: {{code class="js" code="alert('Hello World');"}}

Provided Shortcodes

The following shortcodes are provided by kibble.


Embed a youtube video into a film (or other item) synopsis.

Example: {{youtube id=dQw4w9WgXcQ class="never"}}

Parameter Required Description
id required Youtube video id, can be found in the url of a youtube page.
class optional Name of css class for styling (sizing/positioning) the embedded player.
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