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yarn add faunadb-fql-lib or npm install faunadb-fql-lib


Merged with faunadb-js query

You can import query from faunadb-fql-lib and the functions will be merged with all of Faunas built-in functions. If there is ever a naming conflict in an updated version of faunadb-js then this will throw an error.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

Or import each function as needed.

import { MapFQLib } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

List of all functions

Most functions in this library are built using pure FQL, and can be safly generated and used in Fauna. Exceptions are marked and will be made pure if possible by future releases of Fauna. Deprecated functions have been replaced by native support in Fauna.

FQLib functions - alternatives to built-in FQL functions

These are functions that extend and/or alternate the behaviour of existing FQL functions. All functions suffixed with FQLib already exists but behaves differently.



import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.ArrayReverse([1, 2, 3]) // => [3,2,1]


import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.CreateAt(q.Collection("Foos"), 150000000000000, {
    data: { foo: "bar" },


A debug/dev utility for aborting the query at any point and return a JSON object.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.Debug({ foo: 'Bar' })


Deep merges two objects. Provide depth level as third argument. Note: Currently Fauna does not support recursion without creating a user defined function so the function is not 100% pure FQL and will need a pre-set depth limit.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

    { data: { a: { a1: 1 } } },
    { data: { a: { a2: 2 } } },
) // => { data: { a: { a1: 1, a2: 2 } } }


Helper around Insert. Will Insert a delete event at the given timestamp.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.DeleteAt(q.Ref(q.Collection("Foos"), '1234'), 150000000000000)


Check if there exists an event at the exact given timestamp.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.EventExistsAt(q.Ref(q.Collection("Foos"), '1234'), 150000000000000) // => truer


Wrapper around Filter that returns the first match.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

const array = [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }, { id: "3" }]

        q.Equals("3", q.Select(["id"], q.Var("item")))
) // => { id: "3" }


Returns the index of the first item in an array that matches a Lambda expression.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

const array = [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }, { id: "3" }]

        q.Equals("3", q.Select(["id"], q.Var("item")))
) // => 2


Flatten an Array. (one level deep only)

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.Flatten([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], "e"]) // => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]


import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

    ref: q.Ref(q.Collection("Foos"), "1"),
    ts: 1234,
    data: {
        foo: 1,
        bar: 2
}) /* => {
    ref: q.Ref(q.Collection("Foos"), "1"),
    ts: 1234,
    foo: 1,
    bar: 2
} */


For indexes returning only one Ref as value GetAll is a shorthand for using map to Get all items.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

// These two queries are the same.

        { size: 10 }

        { size: 10 }
    q.Lambda('ref', q.Get(q.Var('ref')))


Insert item in array at given index. -1 will add to the end of array.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.InsertAtIndex(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 2, "foo") // => ["a", "b", "foo", "c", "d"]
q.InsertAtIndex(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 0, "foo") // => ["foo", "a", "b", "c", "d"]
q.InsertAtIndex(["a", "b", "c", "d"], -1, "foo") // => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "foo"]


Map and Select combined.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.MapSelect([{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }, { id: "3" }], ["id"]) // => ["1", "2", "3"]


import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.ObjectKeys({ foo: "1", bar: "2" }) // => ["foo", "bar"]


This function takes the before, after and data properties on Page and creates an Object. Usful with other functions that don"t accept Pages. PageToObject is used by MapFQLib.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"



Paging a set in reverse is possible but a bit tricky. This pure FQL function takes away the pain. Use it like Paginate.

NOTE: Wrapping PaginateReverse in Map will fail. Use MapFQLib instead.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

    q.PaginateReverse(setRef, opts),
    q.Lambda("ref", q.Get(q.Var("ref")))


Select and return the ref from an object.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

    ref: q.Ref(q.Collection("Foos"), "1234"),
    ts: 150000000000000,
    data: {...}
}) // => q.Ref(q.Collection("Foos"), "1234")


Slice an array by start and optional end index positions.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

q.Slice(array, 1, 2) // => [2, 3]
q.Slice(array, 1) // => [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


Downcase string and replace whitespace and _ with -

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.Slugify("Foo Bar_FooBar") // => "foo-bar-foobar"


Sort the items of an array

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.Sort([8, 2, 4]) // => [2, 4, 8]
q.Sort(["foo", "bar"]) // => ["bar", "foo"]


Takes a string and an optional delimiter (defaults to .) and splits the string into an array.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.StringSplit("") // => ["foo", "bar", "fooBar"]
q.StringSplit("foo bar fooBar", " ") // => ["foo", "bar", "fooBar"]
q.StringSplit("foo-bar-fooBar", "-") // => ["foo", "bar", "fooBar"]


Generates a random string of a given length. Provide optional alphabet.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.RandomString(10) // => "1RsBc2SmCc"
q.RandomString(5, "ABC") // => "BCCBC"


Creates a switch statement that checks a string and evaluates the matching expression in a matchers object. A third argument can be provided as default value if no match is found. Without default the transaction will abort.

NOT 100% PURE! The switchObject provided can't be dynamically generated in Fauna and needs to be provided on the client.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

const switchObject = {
    foo: q.Add(1,2),
    bar: q.Concat(["Hi", "there"], " ")

q.Switch("foo", switchObject) // => 3
q.Switch("bar", switchObject) // => "Hi there"
q.Switch("missing", switchObject) // => ERR: transaction aborted, Key 'missing' not supported by Switch
q.Switch("missing", switchObject, q.UpperCase("fallback expr")) // => "FALLBACK EXPR"


A simple wrapper around Format that takes any expression and returns it as a JSON string. Also great for returning errors in q.Abort().

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.ToJson({ foo: "1", bar: q.Add(1, 2) }) // => {"foo":"1","bar":3}


Debug function that will add a keyword to your position trace if the query fails. Usefull when debugging complex and deeply nested fql queries.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

q.Trace('keyWord', q.Get(...))

UpdateAt (Experimental)

Experimental function that will allow you to update a document at a given point in time and merge the change with newer events. Please see test file for more information.


Takes an array and wraps each element in an array containing the original value and the index.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.WithIndex(["a", "b"]) // => [["a", 0], ["b", 1]]

q.Map(q.WithIndex(["foo", "bar"]), q.Lambda(["val", "i"], q.Var("i"))) // => [0, 1]

FQLib functions


Alternative to Contains that supports both array and string as path.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.ContainsFQLib([foo, 1], { foo: ["a", "b"] }) // => true
q.ContainsFQLib("foo.1", { foo: ["a", "b"] }) // => true


A wrapper around Map that also works on "Page-like" objects. There is currently no way to construct a Page object in FQL so passing { data: [] } to Map will not work.

import { MapFQLib } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.MapFQLib({ data: ["foo", "bar"]}, q.Lambda("item", q.Var("item"))) // => ["foo", "bar"]


Alternative to Select that supports both array and string as path and does not evaluate the default value unless there is no match.

import { query as q } from "faunadb-fql-lib"

q.SelectFQLib([foo, 1], { foo: ["a", "b"] }) // => "b"
q.SelectFQLib("foo.1", { foo: ["a", "b"] }) // => "b"
q.SelectFQLib("bar.2", { foo: ["a", "b"] }, "default") // => "default"

/* The current Select in FQL always evaluates the default statement and will
create a document even if the value was found */
q.Select(["bar", 0], { foo: ["a", "b"] }, q.Create(q.Collection('Foos'))) // => "a" + document created in Foos

/* SelectFQLLib will only evaluate if there is no match, so mutations are safe */
q.SelectFQLib(["bar", 0], { foo: ["a", "b"] }, q.Create(q.Collection('Foos'))) // => "a" no ducument created