SeikaNLP is a Natural Language Processing toolkit developed at Seika-cho, Kyoto.
- Python 3 (tested with 3.6.0)
- Chainer v3 (tested with 3.2.0)
- CuPy (tested with 2.2.0)
- NumPy (tested with 1.13.3)
- gensim 3.6.0
If you use GPU, the following softwares are also required:
- CUDA (tested with 8.0)
- cuDNN (tested with 5.1.5)
Clone/download the git repository of this software.
+-- data ... directory to place input data
+-- log ... directory to export log files
+-- models ... directory to export/place model files
| +-- main ... directory to export model files
| +-- embed ... directory to export/place embedding model files
| +-- ftemp ... directory to place feature template files
+-- sample_scripts ... examples of execution script files
+-- src ... source code directory
Word segmentation
Given a sequence of characters (sentence), the model segments it into words
by predicting a sequences of segmentation labels ({B,I,E,S}).$ python src/ --task/-t seg [--options]
Joint word segmentation and word-level sequence labeling (typically POS tagging)
Given a sequence of characters (sentence), the model segments it into words
and assign word-level label (e.g. POS) to each word
by predicting joint label ({B,I,E,S}-{X1,X2,...,Xm}).$ python src/ --task/-t segtag [--options]
Sequence labeling
Given a sequence of tokens (sentence), the model assigns a token-level label to each token by predicting a sequence of labels.
$ python src/ --task/-t tag [--options]
(Untyped) dependency parsing
Given a sequence of tokens (sentence), the model assigns a head (parent) to each token.
$ python src/ --task/-t dep [--options]
Typed dependency parsing
Given a sequence of tokens (sentence), the model assigns a head (parent) to each token and assings a label to each arc (pair of a child and its parent).
$ python src/ --task/-t tdep [--options]
This toolkit includes a script to train word embedding model using gensim Word2Vec API.
$ python src/ [--options]
- 2019-04-16 version 0.2.1
- Add sample scripts and fix minor bugs
- 2019-04-04 version 0.2.0
- Remove semantic attribute annotation task
- 2019-02-19 version 0.1.0b
- Fix minor bugs and add sample data
- 2019-02-15 version 0.1.0
- Release
Copyright (c) 2019, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Released under the MIT license
Note that SeikaNLP contains the modified version of the following software.
- Copyright (c) 2016, Sampo Pyysalo
- Released under the MIT license
Shohei Higashiyama
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Seika-cho, Kyoto, Japan
shohei.higashiyama [at]
Please cite the entry below if you use this code for word segmentation or morphological analysis.
- Shohei Higashiyama, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, Masao Ideuchi, Yoshiaki Oida, Yohei Sakamoto, and Isaac Okada, Incorporating Word Attention into Character-Based Word Segmentation, In Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT), June 2019.
title = {Incorporating Word Attention to Character-Based Word Segmentation},
author = {Higashiyama, Shohei and Utiyama, Masao and Sumita, Eiichiro and Ideuchi, Masao and Oida, Yoshiaki and Sakamoto, Yohei and Okada, Isaac},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT)},
month = June,
year = 2019,
address = {Minneapolis, USA},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}