- Import Libraries
- create dataset
- images preprocess and use class weight to solve imbalance problem
- Training the Model
- Compute Accuracy
- Making Predictions
- Conclusion
- first model: simple deep learning model :: Accuracy: 0.78 - Recall: 0.72 - F1 Score: 0.73
- second model we did some fine tuning by adding drop out layer: ::Accuracy: 0.73 - Recall: 0.64 - F1 Score: 0.64
- third model anther fine tuning by adding dense layer: ::Accuracy: 0.74 - Recall: 0.66 - F1 Score: 0.65
- anther pretrained model vgg19 ::Accuracy: 0.78 - Recall: 0.70 -F1 Score: 0.72
- then we try pretrained model vgg16 ::Accuracy: 0.79 - Recall: 0.72 - F1 Score: 0.73