Matlab codes for dynamic spike correlation analysis.
Shimazaki H., Amari S., Brown E. N., and Gruen S. State-space Analysis of Time-varying Higher-order Spike Correlation for Multiple Neural Spike Train Data. PLoS Computational Biology (2012) 8(3): e1002385.
### Resources- Source code:
- Git clone URL: git://
- Documentation:
- Author homepage:
Original papers and presentation slides are included in tutorial directory.
The main function of the set of programs is ssloglin/ssloglin.m. The function computes filtering/smoothing estimate of the spike interactions within an expectation-maximazation algorithm for paramter optimization.
### First thing to doRun a tutorial code in tutorial/tutorial.m
% This is a tutorial m-file for analysis of dynamic spike interactions
% Shimazaki H., Amari S., Brown E. N., and Gruen S.
% State-space Analysis of Time-varying Higher-order Spike Correlation
% for Multiple Neural Spike Train Data.
% PLoS Computational Biology 8(3): e1002385.
% Dec 12, 2011 Author Hideaki Shimazaki
% Note:
% Currently, the method works for up to N~10 neurons for pairwise analysis.
% N~5 for triple-wise analysis. Try starting your analysis from small
% number of subset neurons.
% Basic terminolgy:
% N: The number of neurons.
% R: The order of interactions in the model.
% R = [1]: Rate analysis
% R = [1,2]: Pairwise analysis
% R = [1,2,3]: Triple-wise analysis
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Let's start %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% By running the script, you will obtain the result for analysis of N=3
% neurons.
% Figure 1 displays spike timing of each neuron from
% top to bottom. In each panel, the ordinate represents trials.
% Figure 2 displays occurence rates of joint spike event of r (=1,2,3 from
% top to bottom) neuron(s) within the bin size that will be specified below.
% Figure 3 displays time-varying log-linear parameters of the r-th order.
% Figure 4 displays optimized hyper-parameters in a state equation.
% Figure 5 displays snapshots of the time-varying log-linear parameters.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% How to use the results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% After running this script, you will obtain a structure array 'data'.
% 'data.raw' contains an input spike timing data used for analysis.
% 'data.model' contains estimated dynamic interactions from the data.
% Each values of dynamic interactions are written in
% data.model.param.smoother.theta
% 95% credible interval is obtained using
% 1.95996 * sqrt( data.model.param.smoother.diagW )
% Each row in the 'theta' vector indicates interactions among subset neurons.
% The id for the subset neuros (which neurons' interaction?) is in a matrix
% '1' indicates an active neuron, '0' indicates an inactive neuron.
% The order of interactions for each element (the number of '1's) is in
% data.model.binary.order
% Hence, to extract the dynamics of pairwise interactions only, use
% data.model.param.smoother.theta(data.model.binary.order==2,:)
clear all; close all;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Matlab settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Please add the paths to 'ssloglin' and 'share' directories.
% 'ssloglin' contains m-files for state-space analysis of ineteractions.
% 'share' directory contains m-files for the log-linear analysis in general.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
load Example_3Neurons.mat raw;
data.raw = raw;
% The file Example_3Neurons.mat contains 3 neurons spike timing data
% and additional information (Number of neurons (N=3), and trials (n=300),
% sampling resolution, and a period of observation(period)).
% The spike timing data is in a cell array, `raw.xs'.
% Here, raw.xs is {{1x300 cell} {1x300 cell} {1x300 cell}}.
% Each sub cell array contains data from a single neuron.
% In raw.xs{1}, spike timing data of 300 trials from the first neuron
% is stored in vectors with different lengths.
% Complete structure of spike timing data is as follows:
%data.raw.xs: {{1x300 cell} {1x300 cell} {1x300 cell}};
%data.raw.N = 3; %Number of neurons.
%data.raw.n = 300; %Number of repeated trials.
%data.raw.D = 0.001; %Sampling resolution [s] of spike timing data.
%data.raw.period = [0 0.5]; %Period of observation.
%data.raw.miss = []; %Optional
%data.raw.ext = []; %Optional
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Model Settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% The following settings specify the log-linear model used for analysis.
data.model.struct = struct; %Please do not uncomment this line.
data.model.struct.N = 3; %Number of neurons.
data.model.struct.D = 0.001; %Bin size [s] to make binary data.
data.model.struct.n = 100; %Number of repeated trials for analysis.
data.model.struct.R = [1 2 3]; %The order of interactions in the model.
%Use R = [1 2] for pairwise analysis.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Optional Settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% There are variables you can tune according to your data.
% The default values are shown. Uncomment and change the variables.
% The only free parameter in the analysis is data.model.init.Sig.
data.model.init = struct; %Please do not comment out this line.
%data.model.init.state = struct('Q',1,'F',0,'G',0);
% init.state determins the structure of the state process.
% Q: 1: Q=\gamma I, a single smoothing parameter, \gamma, is optimized.
% Q: 2: a diagonal matrix Q is optimzied.
% Q: 3: a full matrix Q is optimzied.
% Q: 0: No noise in the state process => stationary log-linear analysis.
% F: 1: the first order autoregressive paramter, F, is optimized.
% F: 0: F=I, random gaussian walk model
% G: Either spike history or stimulus effect. Optional.
% Initial values of the hyper-parameters.
% Except for 'Sig', they will be updated and optimized.
%data.model.init.Sig = diag( 1*ones(1,d) );
%data.model.init.Q = diag(.05*ones(1,d));
%data.model.init.em_max_iteration = 200; %Maximum number of iterations
%data.model.init.em_min_logLdiff = 0.1;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% State-space analysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
data.model = GenModel(data.raw, data.model.struct, data.model.init);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Display results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% If your monitor display does not match with default settings,
% edit 'Disp.m'.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Save your data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
state = data.model.init.state;
str = strcat('data/example_','Q',num2str(state.Q),...
%save(str,'data'); %remove comment to save the data.
% Revision history
% ver.0.11 2012/04/07 Added more explations.
% ver.0.1 2012/03/16 Extended.
% ver.0.0 2011/12/12 The first draft of tutorial was created.