This Svelte TS starter template provides a foundation for developing with Svelte and Vite, including preconfigured support for Typescript, TailwindCSS, Flowbite-Svelte, and Svelte-Spa-Router. Additionally, it includes a sample implementation of fetching data from a backend API, making it easy to integrate with your own server-side infrastructure.
- Vite
- Svelte
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- Flowbite-Svelte
- Svelte-Spa-Router
git clone my-app
cd my-app
pnpm i
Update your backend API value in .env
npm run dev
There is the github-page
branch. Please note that it is not gh-pages.
Checkout to this branch and install packages, build and deploy.
git checkout github-page
pnpm i
npm run build
npm run deploy
This will deploy your GitHub page to https://<username><repository name>
URL. Don’t forget to change the username and repository name to your personal Github username and repository.
It may take a couple of minutes. You can check the progress in GitHub Actions tab.
pnpm i -D gh-pages
Add the following to the package.json scripts:
"deploy": "npx gh-pages -d dist"
Update vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
export default defineConfig({
base: "/svelte-ts-starter/",
plugins: [svelte()],
Build and deploy:
npm run build
npm run deploy