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Shitpost Loudly

Shitpost Loudly Logo
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Voice out the best copypastas by using the most advanced of speech synthesis APIs, right here in your browser!
(I also planned on doing Natural Language Processing because it's a new and exciting feature, but it broke)

URLs - gets a random Reddit /r/copypasta shitpost. Probably NSFW. Sorry. - pretty obvious - YouTube transcript shitposting. Replace VIDEO_ID with whatever video you have that has transcripts enabled. This feature is experimental and may break in the future. - Reddit shitposting. Replace SUBREDDIT_ID with hearthstonecirclejerk and POST_ID with 9h1o9j. Also works if you just post the entire URL chain including the ``/comments/'' into it.


What can you do with it?

Well, if you read the above, it does exactly as it says. It uses browser text-to-speech engines to play back the text that you give it.

It's pretty nifty at times. Not to mention none of this is costing me a cent.

Haha nerd why did you waste your life on this stupid project

shut up your mouth haha

Planned features

  • Toggling the fallback speech API (it's pretty bad though)