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Nepali Date Picker for both Android and/or iOS which aligns with the Material3 Date Picker. This library give various utilities to work with Nepali Dates and acts as a bridge between Nepali Calendar and Gregorian Calendar.


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Nepali-Date-Picker (Android and/or iOS) - KMP

KMP Nepali Date Picker for both Android and/or iOS which aligns with the Material3 Date Picker. This library provides UI and various utilities to work with Nepali Dates, and acts as a bridge between Nepali Calendar and Gregorian Calendar.

version  license  Medium

latest release  See Screenshots  Download sample android app

Table of Contents

Design overview

This library strictly follows Material (Material3) design principles. Considering UI/UX, nepali-date-picker aligns with new androidx.compose.material3.DatePicker.

If you are familiar with the Material3 Date Picker then you will find it very similar, and you can adapt it with little to no time.

This library puts Nepali Calendar in light as OpenSource for developers involved in both Android and/or iOS and/or KMP.

You can use this library independent to any platform or in common Kotlin Multiplatform code.


This library provides variety of features for working with date picker. It is not only limited to date picker but many utilities that serves its purpose with extended support for date and time. Few of them are listed below:

  • CustomCalendar - Calendar which represents both English and Nepali dates.
  • SimpleDate and SimpleTime - Simple representation of date and time.
  • NepaliMonthCalendar - Nepali Month Calendar which consists of the month details.
  • NepaliDateLocale - To control language, dateFormat, weekDayName, and monthName.
  • NepaliDatePickerLang - Set of supported language (English & Nepali for now).
  • NepaliDateConverter - Provides utilities for date conversions (english to nepali and vice versa), get formatted date(6), get time, get date-time in ISO 8601 format, calculate days in between two date, and many more.
  • NepaliSelectableDates - To control selectable dates i.e. enable/disable certain dates.
  • NepaliDatePickerColors - Takes Material3 ?: Material colors by default. All the colors it uses are taken from your app colors if you've defined Material colors in your project. Also, there's always .copy() to modify the color.

Core UI specific,

  • NepaliDatePicker() - Lets you pick a Nepali date via a calendar UI which displays Nepali dates.
  • NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate() - Nepali date picker lets you pick a Nepali date via a calendar UI which displays both Nepali and English dates.
  • NepaliDateRangePicker() - Nepali date picker lets you pick Nepali dates (range) via a calendar UI which displays Nepali dates.
  • NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate() - Nepali date picker lets you pick Nepali dates (range) via a calendar UI which displays both Nepali and English dates.
  • rememberNepaliDatePickerState() - To read, write, and manage state of the date picker i.e., NepaliDatePicker()_ and NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate()_.
  • rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState() - To read, write, and manage state of the date range picker i.e., NepaliDateRangePicker() and NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate().
  • NepaliDatePickerDialog() - A dialog for displaying all four types of date and date range pickers. (or, you can directly use in the layout.)

Using in your projects

The library is published to Maven Central. You can find all artifacts here.

If you encounter version conflicts using this library, you can solve this in two ways:

  • Use an earlier version of the Nepali-Date-Picker library (2.0.0-beta06 or before) if stability is required and your project is using a lower version of JetBrains Compose or Android Compose.
  • Alternatively, you can update your JetBrains Compose or Android Compose version to 1.7.0-beta01 or later to resolve the conflict. For more details on this release, check this release.

Common Gradle

In multiplatform projects, add a dependency to the commonMain source set dependencies

For targeting minimum sdk 21, use 2.2.1-dev01 version of the library which is stable, and is special release for specific case of supporting 21 minsdk. (If I get multiple requests for support below 24 sdk i.e. from 21, then I will release upcoming updates with the changes itself.)

kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        commonMain {
            dependencies {

Also checkout, android setup for api levels below 26.


To add the nepali-date-picker library to your Android project, include the following dependency in your module/app-level build.gradle file:

// Add the Compose compiler Gradle plugin to the Gradle version catalog
# ...
kotlin = "2.0.20"
nepaliDatePickerAndroid = "2.2.1-beta01"

nepali-date-picker-android = { module = "io.github.shivathapaa:nepali-date-picker-android", version.ref = "nepaliDatePickerAndroid" }

# ...
compose-compiler = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin" }
// Add the Gradle plugin to the root/project level build.gradle.kts file
plugins {
    // ...
    alias(libs.plugins.compose.compiler) apply false // Kotlin version after 2.0.0
// Apply the plugin and dependency to app level build.gradle.kts file
plugins {
    // ...

dependencies {
    // ...

Android Setup for API Levels Below 26

Note: This library uses kotlinx-datetime, which relies on the java.time API. These APIs are only available natively starting from Android API level 26. For devices running API levels 25 and below, core library desugaring is necessary to backport these APIs and ensure compatibility.

By enabling desugaring, your project will support java.time functionality on older Android versions, ensuring smooth use of this library across all supported API levels. For more details checkout this.

If your project targets Android SDK versions below 26 (Android 8.0), you need to enable core library desugaring to support the java.time APIs used by this library. Follow the steps below:

// Enable Desugaring in your build.gradle (app-level) file
android {
    compileOptions {
        // Enable core library desugaring for java.time (kotlinx-datetime) APIs
        isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true

        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// Add the Desugaring Dependency in the dependencies {} block of the same build.gradle file
dependencies {
    // Add this dependency for desugaring java.time(kotlinx-datetime) APIs

    // Other dependencies...


The library supports various iOS architectures, including iosarm64, iossimulatorarm64, and iosx64.

To integrate this library into your iOS project using CocoaPods:

Will be updated very soon....


Will work on it if it will be helpful to community. Let me know if I should!


This project is licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)

Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)

This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0).
MPL 2.0 is a permissive open-source license that allows you to use, modify,
and distribute the code, provided that any modifications to the MPL-licensed
files are also made available under the same license and shared with the community.
This license ensures that improvements to the code remain open and accessible to the community.
Additional Modification and Distribution Terms

To ensure that improvements to the core library remain open and benefit
the community, I would like to emphasize the following:

Any modifications made to the files of this Library (the "Covered Software") are
subject to the terms of this License. If you modify the Library, you must make the
source code of your modifications available to all recipients of the modified Library
under the terms of this License.

For more details, see the LICENSE file.

Brief simple example usage

This library uses a 1-based index where 1 represents Sunday or January/Baisakh, 7 represents Saturday or July/Kartik, and 12 represents December/Chaitra.

Don't forget about the DateRange before using.

You can check this inside library under NepaliDatePickerDefaults.NepaliYearRange and NepaliDatePickerDefaults.EnglishYearRange

// This will be changed overtime to support wider dates.
EnglishYearRange: IntRange = IntRange(1913, 2043)
NepaliYearRange: IntRange = IntRange(1970, 2100) 

For detailed examples and utilities, explore more.

Nepali Date Picker and Nepali Date Range Picker

val defaultNepaliDatePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState()

NepaliDatePicker(state = defaultNepaliDatePickerState)
// NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate(defaultNepaliDatePickerState)

val defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState = rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState()

// NepaliDateRangePicker(defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState)
// NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate(defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState)

Using directly in your main layout

// NepaliDatePicker
Column {

// NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate
Column {

// NepaliDateRangePicker
Column {

// NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate
Column {

Nepali Date Picker Dialog

var showNepaliDatePickerDialog by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val defaultNepaliDatePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState() // Use separate state for each
val defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState = rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState() // Use separate state for each

// You can use provided template or use any composable you like for both confirm and dismiss button
if (showNepaliDatePickerDialog) {
        confirmButton = {
                text = "OK",
                onButtonClick = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = false }
        dismissButton = {
                text = "Cancel",
                onButtonClick = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = false }
        onDismissRequest = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = false }
    ) {
        NepaliDatePicker(state = defaultNepaliDatePickerState)
        // NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate(defaultNepaliDatePickerState)
        // NepaliDateRangePicker(defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState)
        // NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate(defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState)

Using rememberNepaliDatePickerState() and rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState()

val defaultNepaliDatePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState()
val defaultNepaliDateRangePickerState = rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState()

val customizedDatePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    initialSelectedDate = SimpleDate(2082, 2, 16),
    initialDisplayedMonth = SimpleDate(2082, 3),
    yearRange = IntRange(2082, 2083),
    nepaliSelectableDates = object : NepaliSelectableDates {
        override fun isSelectableDate(customCalendar: CustomCalendar): Boolean {
            return customCalendar.dayOfWeek != 7 || customCalendar.dayOfMonth != 12

        override fun isSelectableYear(year: Int): Boolean {
            return (year % 5 != 0)
    locale = NepaliDateLocale(language = NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI)
val customizedNepaliDateRangePickerState = rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState(
    initialSelectedStartNepaliDate = SimpleDate(2081, 2, 11),
    initialSelectedEndNepaliDate = SimpleDate(2083, 4, 25),
    initialDisplayedMonth = SimpleDate(2081, 1, 1),
    yearRange = IntRange(2078, 2084),
    nepaliSelectableDates = NepaliDateConverter.BeforeDateSelectable(
        simpleDate = SimpleDate(2083, 12, 10),
        includeDate = true
    locale = NepaliDatePickerDefaults.DefaultLocale

// Or you can utilize helper function (BeforeDateSelectable or AfterDateSelectable or DateRangeSelectable) to disable and enable dates
val datePickerStateWithDateLimiter = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    nepaliSelectableDates = NepaliDateConverter.DateRangeSelectable(
        SimpleDate(2078, 1, 15), SimpleDate(2085, 1, 15)

// For Range, minDate and maxDate should make sense i.e., minDate should be less than or equal to maxDate
val nepaliDatePickerStateWithRangeSelectable = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    nepaliSelectableDates = DateRangeSelectableDates(
        SimpleDate(2081, 2, 11),
        SimpleDate(2082, 1, 29)

NepaliDatePicker(state = defaultNepaliDatePickerState)

    state = customizedDatePickerState,
    colors = NepaliDatePickerDefaults.colors().copy(
        containerColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface

NepaliDatePicker(state = datePickerStateWithDateLimiter)

NepaliDatePicker(state = nepaliDatePickerStateWithRangeSelectable)
// NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate(customizedDatePickerState)

// NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate(customizedNepaliDateRangePickerState)

Detailed examples to explore more

Here are some examples to help you get started. The library's documentation provides further, detailed explanations.

This library uses a 1-based index where 1 represents Sunday or January/Baisakh, 7 represents Saturday or July/Kartik, and 12 represents December/Chaitra.

Don't worry, it's not too complex! In the examples below, I've utilized various customization options to showcase multiple use cases, which might seem overwhelming. However, your specific needs may not require all of these options.

For basic use cases, refer to the section above. Or, jump into utilities.

Nepali Date Picker in main layout

// Simple use without dialog

// Defining state in variable
val datePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState()
// NepaliDatePickerWithEnglishDate(datePickerState)
val dateRangePickerState = rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState()
// NepaliDateRangePickerWithEnglishDate(dateRangePickerState)

// Customizing color
    state = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(),
    colors = NepaliDatePickerDefaults.colors()
            containerColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceContainer,
            dayContentColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurface

Using with dialog

// Using with dialog
var showNepaliDatePickerDialog by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val nepaliDatePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(locale = NepaliDateLocale(language = NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI))

Button(onClick = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = true }) { Text(text = "Show Dialog") }

// You can use provided template or use any composable you like for both confirm and dismiss button
if (showNepaliDatePickerDialog) {
        onDismissRequest = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = false },
        confirmButton = {
                text = "OK",
                onButtonClick = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = false }
        dismissButton = {
                text = "Cancel",
                onButtonClick = { showNepaliDatePickerDialog = false }
    ) {
        NepaliDatePicker(state = nepaliDatePickerState)

Using rememberNepaliDatePickerState() for different cases (similar for rememberNepaliDateRangePickerState())

// Using rememberNepaliDatePickerState() for different cases 
val todayNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayNepaliDate

// Remember that, "BeforeSelectable", "AfterSelectable", and "RangeSelectable" are helper Selectables
// that helps with enabling and disabling dates before or after today, or before or
// after certain dates, or in between certain dates, and many other use cases.
// You have full control of the dates that you want to enable or disable.

// Using Before Selectable
val customDatePickerStateWithBeforeSelectable = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    initialSelectedDate = SimpleDate(2080, 3, 21),
    initialDisplayedMonth = SimpleDate(2081, 1, 1),
    yearRange = IntRange(1998, 2100),
    nepaliSelectableDates = NepaliDateConverter.BeforeDateSelectable(
        simpleDate = SimpleDate(
        ), includeDate = true
    locale = NepaliDateLocale(
        language = NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI,
        dateFormat = NepaliDateFormatStyle.SHORT_YMD,
        weekDayName = NameFormat.MEDIUM,
        monthName = NameFormat.FULL

// Using After selectable
val customDatePickerStateWithAfterSelectable = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    yearRange = IntRange(1979, 2094),
    nepaliSelectableDates = NepaliDateConverter.AfterDateSelectable(
        simpleDate = SimpleDate(
            todayNepaliDate.year, todayNepaliDate.month, todayNepaliDate.dayOfMonth
        includeDate = false
    locale = NepaliDateLocale(
        language = NepaliDatePickerLang.ENGLISH,
        dateFormat = NepaliDateFormatStyle.COMPACT_YMD,
        weekDayName = NameFormat.FULL

// Using Range selectable
val customDatePickerStateWithRangeSelectable = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    initialDisplayedMonth = SimpleDate(2081, 12, 12),
    yearRange = IntRange(2079, 2090),
    nepaliSelectableDates = NepaliDateConverter.DateRangeSelectable(
        minDate = SimpleDate(
            todayNepaliDate.year, todayNepaliDate.month, todayNepaliDate.dayOfMonth
        maxDate = SimpleDate(2090, 1, 1),
        includeMinDate = false,
        includeMaxDate = true
    locale = NepaliDateLocale(
        language = NepaliDatePickerLang.ENGLISH,
        dateFormat = NepaliDateFormatStyle.COMPACT_YMD,
        weekDayName = NameFormat.FULL

// Using your own selectable preferences
val customSelectableDatePickerState = rememberNepaliDatePickerState(
    nepaliSelectableDates = object : NepaliSelectableDates {
        override fun isSelectableDate(customCalendar: CustomCalendar): Boolean {
            return customCalendar.month != 3 || (customCalendar.dayOfWeek != 7 && customCalendar.dayOfMonth != 15)

        override fun isSelectableYear(year: Int): Boolean {
            return year >= 2054

Utilities to explore

The library itself provides more detailed explanation and examples, so do checkout library's documentation for each property you use.

Backbone of this library

// Simple date representation
data class SimpleDate(
    val year: Int,
    val month: Int,
    val dayOfMonth: Int = 1

// Simple time representation 
data class SimpleTime(
    val hour: Int,
    val minute: Int,
    val second: Int,
    val nanosecond: Int

// Custom Calendar for both English and Nepali dates
data class CustomCalendar(
    val year: Int,
    val month: Int,
    val dayOfMonth: Int,
    val era: Int,  // 1 for AD, 2 for BS
    val firstDayOfMonth: Int,
    val lastDayOfMonth: Int,
    val totalDaysInMonth: Int,
    val dayOfWeekInMonth: Int,
    val dayOfWeek: Int,
    val dayOfYear: Int,
    val weekOfMonth: Int,
    val weekOfYear: Int

// Nepali Month Calendar for month details
data class NepaliMonthCalendar(
    val year: Int,
    val month: Int,
    val totalDaysInMonth: Int,
    val firstDayOfMonth: Int,
    val lastDayOfMonth: Int,
    val daysFromStartOfWeekToFirstOfMonth: Int = firstDayOfMonth - 1

// there are various extension function readily available to utilize all of them.

Get today's date

// Get today's date
val todayNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayNepaliDate

val todayEnglishDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayEnglishDate

Get current time

// Get current time
val currentTime = NepaliDateConverter.currentTime // returns SimpleTime

Date conversions

// Date conversions
val convertedNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.convertEnglishToNepali(2021, 6, 21) // returns CustomCalendar

val convertedEnglishDate = NepaliDateConverter.convertNepaliToEnglish(2081, 3, 21) // returns CustomCalendar

Get CustomCalendar for details using Nepali Date

NepaliDateConverter.getNepaliCalendar(2082, 4, 16) // returns CustomCalendar

Get month details

// Get month details
val totalDaysInMagh2081 = NepaliDateConverter.getTotalDaysInNepaliMonth(2081, 10) // returns 30 (Int)

val getCompleteDetailsOfAsar2078Month = NepaliDateConverter.getNepaliMonthCalendar(2078, 3) // returns NepaliMonthCalendar

Add or Subtract number days and get CustomCalendar

// You can adjust a Nepali date by adding or subtracting number of days.

// This function calculates the resulting Nepali date after adjusting the provided year,
// month, and day by a given number of days (positive or negative). It handles all months and
// years calculations according to the day adjustment, ensuring correct calculation of Nepali calendar.
// You don't have to worry about the underflow and overflow of days or month or year. ;)

 // Add 10 days to Nepali date 2081-03-15
 val adjustedDate = NepaliDateConverter.getNepaliCalendarAfterAdditionOrSubtraction(2081, 3, 15, 10)
 println(adjustedDate) // Output: CustomCalendar(year=2081, month=3, dayOfMonth=25, ...)
 // Subtract 5 days from Nepali date 2081-03-15
 val adjustedDate = NepaliDateConverter.getNepaliCalendarAfterAdditionOrSubtraction(2081, 3, 15, -5)
 println(adjustedDate) // Output: CustomCalendar(year=2081, month=3, dayOfMonth=10, ...)
 // Add 50 days, crossing over to the next month/year
 val adjustedDate = NepaliDateConverter.getNepaliCalendarAfterAdditionOrSubtraction(2081, 11, 15, 50)
 println(adjustedDate) // Output: CustomCalendar(year=2082, month=1, dayOfMonth=5, ...)

Date comparison

// Date comparison
val compareDate = NepaliDateConverter.compareDates(convertedNepaliDate, SimpleDate(2090, 2, 12)) // returns 1, 0, -1 according to conditions

Get number of days between two dates

// Get number of days between two days
val noOfDaysBetweenTwoNepaliDates = NepaliDateConverter.getNepaliDaysInBetween(SimpleDate(1998, 11, 23), SimpleDate(2098, 4, 21))  // returns 36313

val noOfDaysBetweenTwoEnglishDates = NepaliDateConverter.getEnglishDaysInBetween(SimpleDate(2009, 6, 21), SimpleDate(2500, 3, 23)) // returns 179244

Format date time into ISO 2601 UTC to save date in database or have reference

// Format date time into ISO 2601 UTC to save date in database or have reference for other timezone calculations
val currentTime = NepaliDateConverter.currentTime
val todayEnglishDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayEnglishDate
val todayNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayNepaliDate

val formattedEnglishDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatEnglishDateNepaliTimeToIsoFormat(todayEnglishDate, currentTime) // returns "2024-09-09T23:22:21Z"
val formattedNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatNepaliDateTimeToIsoFormat(todayNepaliDate.toSimpleDate(), currentTime) // returns "2024-09-09T23:22:21Z"

Get names of the weekdays, and month according to your choice

// Get names of the weekdays, and month according to your choice
val weekday = NepaliDateConverter.getWeekdayName(2, NameFormat.FULL, NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI) // returns "सोमबार"
val weekdayEnglish = NepaliDateConverter.getWeekdayName(5, NameFormat.MEDIUM, NepaliDatePickerLang.ENGLISH) // returns Thu

val nepaliMonthName = NepaliDateConverter.getMonthName(12, NameFormat.FULL, NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI) // returns "चैत"
val nepaliMonthNameInEnglish = NepaliDateConverter.getMonthName(3, NameFormat.SHORT, NepaliDatePickerLang.ENGLISH) // returns Asa

val englishMonthName = NepaliDateConverter.getEnglishMonthName(6, NameFormat.FULL, NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI) // returns "जुन"

Format date to make ready for UI

// Format date to make ready for UI
val currentTime = NepaliDateConverter.currentTime
val todayEnglishDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayEnglishDate
val todayNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.todayNepaliDate

val customFormatLocale = NepaliDateLocale(
    language = NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI,
    dateFormat = NepaliDateFormatStyle.FULL,
    weekDayName = NameFormat.FULL,
    monthName = NameFormat.FULL

val nepaliFormattedDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatNepaliDate(todayNepaliDate, customFormatLocale) // returns "सोमबार, असार २१, २०८४"
val nepaliDefaultFormattedDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatNepaliDate(todayNepaliDate, NepaliDatePickerDefaults.DefaultLocale)  // returns "Asar 21, 2082"
val todayFormattedDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatNepaliDate(todayNepaliDate) // returns "Asar 21, 2082"
val formattedNepaliDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatNepaliDate(2081, 3, 21, 5, NepaliDatePickerDefaults.DefaultLocale) // returns "Asar 21, 2081"
val englishFormattedDate = NepaliDateConverter.formatEnglishDate(todayEnglishDate.year, todayEnglishDate.month, todayEnglishDate.dayOfMonth, 5, customFormatLocale) // returns "बिहिबार, अक्टोबर ३, २०२४

Format time to make ready for UI

// Format time to make ready for UI
val formattedNepaliTime = NepaliDateConverter.getFormattedTimeInNepali(simpleTime = currentTime, use12HourFormat = true) // returns "राति १२ : ०४"
val formattedEnglishTime = NepaliDateConverter.getFormattedTimeInEnglish(simpleTime = currentTime, use12HourFormat = false) // returns "0:04"

Localize strings to English or Nepali

// Localize strings to English or Nepali
val nepaliString = "Today is 2024".convertToNepaliNumber() // returns "Today is २०२४"
val nepaliStringOnlyDigits = "2024".convertToNepaliNumber() // returns "२०२४"
val englishString = "२०२४ सोमबार".convertToEnglishNumber() // returns "2024 सोमबार"

val localizeString = "Today is 2024".localizeNumber(NepaliDatePickerLang.NEPALI) // returns "Today is २०२४"

Replace delimiter for displaying or saving as you prefer

// Replace delimiter for displaying or saving as you prefer
val originalDate = "2024/06/21"
val newDelimiter = "-"
val formattedDate = NepaliDateConverter.replaceDelimiter(originalDate, newDelimiter) // returns "2024-06-21"

val originalDate = "२०२४/०६/२१"
val newDelimiter = "-"
val formattedDate = NepaliDateConverter.replaceDelimiter(originalDate, newDelimiter) // returns "२०२४-०६-२१"

val originalTime = "09:45 AM"
val newDelimiterSpace = " "
val oldDelimiter = ":"
val formattedTimeWithSpace = NepaliDateConverter.replaceDelimiter(originalTime, newDelimiterSpace, oldDelimiter) // returns "09 45 AM"

And there is always more to explore... ;)


You can contribute to this project in several ways:

  • Have an idea for an improvement or a new feature? I'm open to suggestions! Feel free to suggest changes, request enhancements, or report issues here.
  • Share the project with your network to help others discover it.
  • Want to contribute directly? You're welcome to open a pull request! Be sure to review the guide before getting started.
  • Show your support by giving this repository a Star⭐. It means a lot! 😊

Thanks to Google and KMP developers for Material3, Jetpack Compose, kotlinx-datetime and other different Apis. :)


Screenshot of Nepali Date Picker     

Screenshot of Selectable Nepali Date Picker     

Screenshots of Nepali Date Picker           

Screenshots of Nepali Date Picker in simulator         

Screenshot of Nepali Date Range Picker         

Checkout new upcoming feature update images in latest releases

In beta,

Screenshots of Nepali Date Picker and Date Input           

Thank you for star! 😉


Nepali Date Picker for both Android and/or iOS which aligns with the Material3 Date Picker. This library give various utilities to work with Nepali Dates and acts as a bridge between Nepali Calendar and Gregorian Calendar.




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